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The Lore of Elden Ring is FOUL


Songbearer: Bayle lore

Scales: Solid

Hide: Riddled

Fears: Made flesh

Day: Rue'd

Smoke-by-the-Shadow: I can’t remember who it was, but my favorite comment on another video was “Igon and Kendrick Lamar, Greatest Haters of the year, both with the desire to slay a drake.” And that shit kills me every day


CarrieDSwarey: I’ve never done the Bayle fight without Igon. He’s the only NPC summon that BEGS you to call him in. I just can’t deny him his revenge.

sebastiancollins01: To all of the "CUUURSEE YOOOOIOU BAAAAAAAYYYYYYLLLLLEEEE's" in the comments of this video: you're doing great work, really helping the video get the engagement it deserves. Thank you for that.

theindomitablecell: Bayle went to kill Placidusax and considering his strength up till then there was likely nothing that ever caused him trouble. He was sure of himself that he is going to end the dragon lord, but he met his match and was pushed to his very limits.

At some point after suffering all those injuries, for the first time ever, the thought must have crossed his mind „I might not win. I might actually die here“. And for the first probably ever, he felt fear.

He was not ready to win or die trying.

And so he fled the fight of his life….you could say…….he Bayled.

padum tsss

mr-laroque9604: One of the things that makes me think the Dragon Priestess has new motivation for serving you is that she only does so after you kill Bayle.

Like she realizes in you is the chance at a new DragonLord. All she has to do is wait. If drake hearts can turn warriors even Trolls into Magma wyrms. Who is to say what Bayle's heart will do to you?

Perhaps you shall be an even greater dragon than her lord.

fernandofaria2872: "Oh, Bayle, I find myself exceedingly frustrated by your actions! You've truly tested my patience today and frankly, im quite bothered!" - Igon.

trevorp8124: I'm really proud of my phone. I started typing a sentence with "I" and the recommended words (still in all caps) were "HEREBY VOW"


HeisenbergFam: I'm convinced Vaati is an entity that will make Elden Ring content for eternity

bilboinabag223: Time for the Igon spam in comments, sorry in advance lol

thago1501: A theory of mine is that if we look at the way Placidusax's heads are clamped on to the Bayle's back, it looks like Bayle only bit one off during combat and Placidusax was trying it's hardest to prevent Bayle from escaping by constricting Bayle with all the other heads biting onto him which ended up with Placidusax's anger combined with sheer force of Bayle's hatred and will to live resulting in Bayle dragging Placidusax's hardly locked two heads during getting away and ripping them off in the process.

Another thing I find cool is that forever clamped down heads of Placidusax on Bayle's back symbolizes how he is constantly getting bothered by the forces Placidusax created just to get rid of him and his descendants.


sleep_enjoyer13: I honestly thought Placidusax was the only big dragon fight they were giving us in Elden Ring. When I first saw the Jagged Peak in the distance I thought to myself "I know there won't be an epic dragon in this dlc but if there was, that's where we'd fight it". I remember seeing the vista of the peak as I approached a lonely shack by the edge of a cliff. This shack being home to a ghost that spoke of vengeance, and a talisman depicting the dragon who wounded the Dragonlord. The Dread Dragon whos anger causes the very mountain's molten fury to seethe beneath him. I was so glad to be wrong. Honestly a defining moment of my playthrough. What an amazing experience to discover Bayle and his story. What a titanic and unforgettable encounter.

tabletopnephilim4633: The Tarnished getting ragdolled while Igon monologues is such a mood. Also, CURSE YOU, BAAAYYLE!!!

cez3po: Why did Youtube take 2 seconds to recommend me this masterpiece?

AnnoyingSquib: My little theory about all the drakes flying outside Farum Azula is they're there as an open show of defiance. That no matter what Placidusax and his dragons do, the drakes will never be fully eradicated. And what better place to display this defiance than on the dragon lords' doorstep?

ivebeengrillin9748: I am contractually obligated to say "CURSE YOU BAYLLLLLE"

m0002856: My time with Igon was a blessed one.

I love how he’s introduced as this guy just moaning in despair. Then we stumble across two dragons fighting each other. If your first instinct is, “Neat. I’ll kill ‘em both,” you’re rewarded for your efforts with a hearty chuckle from Igon alerting you to his presence. I remember looking around like, “Who is laughing at me?”

So after killing those dragons, I walk over to Igon to see what the hell this dude is laughing at. He compliments me on being a Drake warrior like himself, and tells me about Bayle. He asks that I summon him to fight Bayle because his body is broken but his spirit can be summoned to help.

Just hearing how much Igon needed this kill made me break my oath of never using summons during that playthrough. My character was a cold-blooded assassin who didn’t want any help and would rather kill anybody who noticed her in the first place. No witnesses. But something about Igon’s hearty speech and deep desire to slay Bayle made me think my assassin might chuckle right there with him and agree.

And OH HOLY HELL am I glad I did. “CURSE YOU, BAYLE!!!”

Igon made the entire Bayle fight a million times better. We succeeded and I made sure Igon didn’t die. Best fight and best NPC.

SuperStoneFist: Igon gives the same energy as Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa

zmasterrahlg: I’ve got a theory that Placidusax was Lord before the schism of the 2 & 3 Fingers. I think there was an original 5 Fingers, the hand of the Greater Will matching the 5 heads of the dragon. Upon his… not defeat, but lack of victory over Bayle, the 5 Fingers split, possibly partially succumbing to Frenzy at this failure of their Lord. Then whoever was Placidusax’s god, panicked seeing Frenzy that can destroy gods, called down a meteor strike to try to destroy it, and fled into hiding. The meteor blasted Farum Azula into its strange gravity well, but didn’t kill the 3 Fingers, who tried to destroy the god as it fled. The god hid underground and succumbed to its wounds, forming the Deeproot Depths and leaving behind glowing runes in the form of the Erdtree.

rotinasemroteiro: My boy Igon screaming during this fight was the best motivation I could ask, what an incredible fight! After dying six times in a row I was still thinking "COMMON MY FRIEND, WE CAN DO IT!!!!!". And, eventually, we did. RIP Igon, I wish you could be there to motivate me through the entire game. lol

diegocantu9853: Placidussax: Leaves Guild for several years

GrandStyles: One interesting thing I haven't seen brought up about the massively dead drake near the Land of Shadows dragon communion is the fact that ancient dragons were known to use weapons. When wielding their glaives, stakes and bolts they use their five hands to wield instruments. Even more to this point, The Bolt of Gransax is actually described as a weapon whittled from Gransax's weapon, the massive one we see in Leyndell. So it's clear ancient dragon's had the capabilities to wield weapons of mass destruction, which is logical given the hands were granted to their beast-men worshippers.

I also trhink the beast-man were granted just enough intelligence to practice faith and that's how the golden order made use of them, but that's a story for another day. Great video Vaati!

bersotto2626: Normally i want to try beating bosses by myself, or see how far i can go without help, but i couldn't stop summoning Igon for every attempt, just because he motivated me with his speech so hard. Bayle was such a cool fight, but without Igon it wouldn't have been as epic!

stormreach1234: It's fitting that the ancient dragons that sided with Bayle would wield more chaotic lightning, branching and arcing instead of forming one solid, orderly bolt

saltysovereign: Bayle is my one of my favorites bosses tbh, very peak and his music goes so hard

shubniggurath6464: "Righteous Tarnished. Become our new lord. A lord not for gods, but for men." - My favorite NPC (yes, including Igon)

He summarizes in a few words the key problem with all of these orders in the lands between, including Miquella's. The key people who lead the order have little or no regard for everyone else, and regard them as disposable pawns.

Placidusax's order created and spread the process of dragon communion knowing exactly what it would do to the warriors. He was willing to throw any number of people or dragons at Bayle for all eternity.

Nothing needs to be said about Marika's order. Our entire race exists to support her.

Miquella considered his order to be the age of compassion. But to achieve it he was willing to brainwash a host of warriors and Radahn Malenia, discard St Trina, use Mohg like a parts bin.

For Ranni, at least we can say that she wanted to remove the external forces enslaving the people of the lands between and letting them handle themselves.

fez6986: Igon has been my new favorite NPC by FromSoftware because his character plot, behavior and themes surrounding him can be compared to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick, both chasing a monster that gravely wounded them and left them seeking revenge.

gugg2216: CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!!

omarkumar8036: CURSE YOU, BAYLLEEEEE !!!!


nataleejoh96: I think it's important to note that the game says Placidusax's God was

neatoburrito9013: OHHHHHH THE PAINNNNN

agamecube7288: As Dark Souls had "Git Gud"

As Demon's Souls had "What the fuck is this game?"

Elden Ring now has "C U R S E Y O U B A Y L E ! ! ! ! !"

doomzilla3568: A new day, a new lore video by Vaati, Nothing better to scream out your mighty war cry when you see this foul dragon: CURSE YOU BAAAAAYYYYYYLLLLEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Pentyagustin-h1d: ’ll take it a step further than cursing Bayle, I’m cancelling him

Er404ChannelNotFound: I realy like the aspect of the dragons' plan showcasing how differently they perceive time. To us humans such a convoluted plan would seem needlessly complicated and prone to failure, making such a wait to see it bear fruit seem unfathomable. But to Placidusax, who is immortal, it feels like only yesterday that he came up with it and put it to the test, such a wait for him and other immortal dragons is rather trivial.


TravAt: Perhaps the drakes are circling Farm Azula searching for Placidusaxx (however the hell you spell that haha) but cannot find him since he is hidden in a space where they cannot go, drakes lacking the scales that warp time and space. Fantastic video as always! I laughed so hard at the Igon dialogue while the player gets his ass handed to him, so real haha Thanks for being you!

fbiagent2442: Little half baked theory here, could the ancient meteoric blade be the arrowhead of the thing that killed the great drake?

I just find the fact that we find a giant arrowhead and a giant arrow with no arrowhead a somewhat strange coincidence.

tristanneal9552: I wonder if Placidusax going from 5 heads to 2 is meant to be symbolic. Before that, we have perfect order; 5 being the number that the 2 and 3 fingers add up to, the number of digits on a dragon's hand, and also the number of fingers the GW bestowed on the Beastmen when it granted them intelligence.

Then Bayle's attack shattered the perfect order in the Lands Between and introduced chaos, thus reducing the perfect 5 fingers/heads to 2 and making way for Shabriri to manifest in the 3 fingers.

grantopo: I assumed Senessax was afraid of facing Bayle instead of being allied to him

duquette1792: As child, I hated vegetables as Igon hates Bayle. CURSE YOU KALE!

FrozenRain7: I don't understand the reasoning behind the Omen being a "curveball from the Crucible of Life", I have to admit. They're a curse from the Hornsent. It's literally, explicitly stated by the Hornsent Granddam when you kill her before fighting/defeating the Dancing Lion. Their origins are not in the least bit unclear anymore

Unless you mean the Hornsent themselves? But then why call them Omen...

TheGuyVince: "History is written by the victor" is probably shown the best in Elden Ring, Bayle is a tyrant in the eyes of the ancient dragons..yet he has so many followers including ancient dragons. How much of a tyrant can he be if he makes people actually switch sides...

llrecluse: Yooo new Vaati video! I guess sleep can wait.

TrueFear169: "BEHOLD A TRUE DRAKE WARRIOR" Cuts to you being thrown around by Bayle

koshunter3805: If Placidusax really had the full power of the Elden Ring, it shows Bayle is truly one powerful "lesser dragon". He may be weak when we approach him. But he made sure to show us what REAL dragon power is like. "CURSE YOU BAYLE"

MarcellusMaize: Bayle’s ost might be my favorite track in the entire dlc, it just does such a great job at conveying the monstrous and furious rage that is Bayle the Dread. The last little section where things seem to be winding down only for there to be one last roar of music sums up Bayle’s character perfectly, even in defeat, Bayle will not submit (this is even summed up with his incantations which state that Bayle’s vengeful spirit lingers within the body of the tarnished patiently waiting to one day take over).

Oct 08 2024

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