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Shadow of the Erdtree New 10 Best MORE POWERFUL DLC Weapon Post Patch 1.13 Build Guide Elden Ring!

elvenking9922: I wonder how much will they milk this update. I'm guessing around 23 videos in a week.

pigame9921: Hi guys, there is a glitch with Euporia, you can apply the buff accumulated to any other weapon that you hold in your left hand (with Euporia in the right hand) by holding the left weapon with both hands after accumulating the buff on Euporia.

The buff seems to affect physical damages of the left weapon, which means that you can buff the blasphemous blade special attack even more !!

You should cover it in a video, that's insane !

Purgingcrab: I always liked euphoria, so I’m glad it got some love

iloveanime7308: Wasn't expecting to see this after the vid coming out 50seconds ago lol

HaunchoJackHD: Misinformation!! The next video will have the actual best weapons

spicymayo8240: Still amazes me that people sleep on the ancient meteoric ore greatsword.

mhj626: I'm confused, why is the Milady not on here if it was nb1 in your last vid?

D00MTR33: I think Patas and Flowerstone gavel deserve at least an honorable mention. Craigblade or Barbaric Roar on patas slaps and break stances easily. Flowerstone gavel is amazing pairing with Death knights longhaft axe. Use its AoW as a debuff and then either continue using it dealing more damage from a safe range or switch to the Axe and now it hits harder. Plus its the longest hammer with stupid AR (790 AR! on my build at 10) and it deals piercing damage.

SilverFoxR: So, um... the Fire Knight's Greatsword does not true combo with it's light attacks anymore. It did before last patch, but was patched out before this patch happened.

tonydamiani8029: The update has ruined ash summons. The golem gets wrecked now. Mimic tear just stands around doing nothing, missing all of his attacks. It’s a wreck

jettblade: This was a really good patch. It brought up a lot of new weapons and brought down some of the problem-some spells. Still think some more adjustments are needed to bring up the Perfume Bottles a little but we're heading in a good direction.

Aug 01 2024

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