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Shadow of the Erdtree 8 New Actually INSANE Weapons You NEED Best Weapon Build Guide Elden Ring!

Burrizo: I think people forget that what's best for one person is different for another. These guides give people a chance to find THEIR best build. Thank y'all for that!

jamesvarela233: So no one’s talking about the Messmer’s soldier Great spear?

LunarValkyria: I like the bone bow. Being able to fire homing projectiles is just cool.

jettblade: I used the Gazing Finger a few days ago and it was a pretty solid weapon. Not a big fan of the Colossal weapon moveset but it was serviceable. Was kind of upset that the Ash didn't crawl up walls like the Hoarfrost Stomp did.

I haven't heard people talking about the either of the Beast Claws much and they're pretty solid and underrated weapons. The normal Beast Claw can be very flexible since you can infuse it but the Bear Claw was really fun. You don't really want to use them in tight spaces but the frantic movements make gap closing and getting around blocking enemies really easy.

devasprime6700: Wild Strikes Blood Rotten Duelist Hammer Uplifting Aeromatic gave me my DLC win.

Perfume the big stuff and walk him down when I could

mauriceemond7319: Carian Sorcery Sword also has a hidden mechanic. If you counter attack with it, press R1 and R2 and the same time and you get a unique counter attack thrusting attack.

masonberg4188: For most of the dlc I ran a power stance jump build with the butchering knifes. Was very fun and recommended

GatorDunnAZ: If only swift spear had a unique (and fast/multi) hit when guard poking, that would have really made it top tier.

rikisalim6438: This all looks great. but Honestly, fighting the final boss dlc drain the motivation i have to continue playing this game. Probably gonna pick it up after there is a new patch.

therealgah777: Thanks for the vid! Specifically, calling out the Swift Spear. I've been looking for something cool and unique to use on my pure Dex build.

Jul 17 2024

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