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makotocakes3238: Zero deaths since the last death, GG

fertato613: Sasha, you're amazing! Beating Radahn without summons using the Misericorde is epic. Taking him down with just parries was impressive—you're the queen of parries! A true champion in Elden Ring!

stelliocantos4639: As the deaths mount, you can see your parries getting more accurate and I could only see Morpheus in close up saying, "...She is beginning.. to believe." Wonderful gumption sticking with it. Fantastic achievement. Well done, indeed.

cerulianknight364: For me, I didn't die at all. The game glitched while I was walking up the stairs and I automatically beat radahn and miquella and got their rune lol it was so anticlimactic for me

oddwolf448: I literally just took Radahn down today. And I went full Unga Bunga. The sharpest poking stick I could find, a greatshield to hide behind. My armour was wearing armour plating. My shield had it's own emotional support shield. My Talismans were all about that defence. Thollier and Ahnsbach lended me a hand, I still mourn their loss. And I have no regrets.

jonlava173: Awesome soloing him with just parry, and your determination to grind!

1970SuperBird: Loved the victorious primal scream at the end. Well done Sasha. I hate that it has finally come to an end, but looking forward to the next epic game.

danielguzmansanchez9483: I haven't gotten to Radahn yet, but this is a guide for me. I killed Rellana with parries and I plan to do so with Radahn. Thanks, Sasha. Congrats!

Aug 29 2024

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