lawbinson: I love the Twiggy Crack Tear while exploring. It’s so much less stressful when you’re entering a tough area or an area where you have to platform.
BaseSerpentMessmer: Bro oiled up malenia
275dpr: In Base game the blood sucking tear is easy s tier. The extra damage on top of other buffs just melts bosses. I don't even notice I'm losing damage because they're dying so fast on ng
Edit: just combine it with blasphemous blade and it's just so insane because you spam aow and get that health back and do insane damage. S tier for sure.
9Nifty: Youre correct about oil soaked tear its a pve killer, its essentially instantly reapplies too so youre getting massive free fire dmg on every close range attack.
lawbinson: Deflecting Hardtear should’ve been a toggle or a talisman.
orohyuno: The flame-shrouding oil-soaked tear combo made this the easiest From Software DLC for me. The bosses felt like having less HP than some elite enemies you can encounter. lol
craigthebrute6032: Really liked this TEAR list
pilebunker420: about the "if you want to jump but don't know if it will kill you", dropping glowstones and seeing if they break also works in elden ring
Jul 21 2024