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Playing Elden Ring DLC was a Mistake

Zanaror: "have you heard of lock on target" -> instantly gets locked on and banned by Asmon XD

BasicMaffs: haha he touched his own withered arm because he’s a withering bastard

xeikai: Dangerous time to be watching Asmon, "hey asmon, how are you?"

Asmongold: Ban that guy

Guirko: It's funny because they nerfed halberds right before the dlc came out

kiel71092: And this dlc is about to make everyone remind them how they're so rusty going back to elden ring

djohnsveress6616: "Guys jump attack stagger dmg is CRAZY !"

*Literally couldn't stagger any of the bosses

Eogard: Asmon when he can't jump attack one shot a boss :

christianmarchant: EDITOR RAISE

TheSeth256: "You're fuckin' washed!" - McCool, the Legend.

Fxrrxt2x: Damn, this DLC looks brutal. The devs heard people calling ER easy and went "alright, bet".

IselineValine: Elden Ring base: Level Vigor

Elden Ring DLC: Level Scadutree Blessing

MrTrancelator: "Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Lockon the Target? I thought not. It's not a story the Chat would dare tell you."

stickies4life696: o7 To the guy that asks about lock on target.

PareSM: “Bro fuck this guy” accurately describes every enemy and every boss in the dlc

MelbourneArchviz: the rage was on the inside.

imbackfromhell666: first "This DLC Changed My Life"

StrifeTheHorseman: Miyazaki is a genius. Not only he's good at making anime, he's also created a whole game genre. What a chad.

Pateramalina: new weapons , attacks, blocking system ?

Screw it.. Baldy got halberd and jump attack :(

Jaeces7: I think playing Monster Hunter World actually tempered Asmon in these hard fights. He doesn't rage like a monkey in defeat anymore. Nothing really teaches you about patience and perseverance than hours upon hours of not jobbing to high MR hunts lol

R4V3NU5: Bro just ask your friend Alisa to carry his ass in coop. She already finished the dlc.

LaurenAlexis-e7s: We don't need a legendary marathon trailer. We just need Asmon's editor in chief.

KodaiRyu: His eyes was full of hatred when he was "calm" so his anger transcended to next level

jnm92: Why are his flasks only 9? ICANT

Yes-bm4vn: Don't forget about him roaming through every landscape in the game without finding almost any bosses, I miss that stream already.

ahobo231: Like to imagine the Editors sitting back with popcorn and a notepad laughing at the great times to be had with clips whenever Asmon plays a Fromsoft game

LoafingMushroom: "do something ball-do!"

TechtodaProductions: Touch withered arm. "Touches own arm" lmao

MandosCulture: Bro, your editor doesnt get paid enough. However much it is, not enough

Koal_eemos: Hidetaka Miyazaki saw that we called “Elden ring” the easiest souls like game and made the DLC very challenging

myleft9397: Only rages against his chat now lol

Arizona9001: These clips man. So good. So much love into every clip.

sora.184: Balding man over there didn't rage enough good job editor but we need more raging

sadied0g: Best editing in the game LMAOOOOOO

stewie_: Washed indeed.

TheStraightestWhitest: ''Touch withered arm.''

Touches his own arm

Freekoman18: Goated editors

kungusrungus2133: I'm gonna be honest enemies in this DLC do way

Grauer1510: How is Asmons DLC 700MB bigger then mine?

(I'm in EUW)

nicks7577: This is miracle, the DLC just changing Asmon's life for not raging

zycane: Editor always comes home with the good steak.

Jun 23 2024

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