napalmholiday9708: I can almost smell the body odor from the first fight
dren2543: "gitgud" after losing a fight will always be hilarious. Especially after tryharding as much as that guy was
RuiNDieM1988: Imagine getting bodied and then telling the person to get good. Though I must say I expected Lost to give a more lost-like response. Something like "I would rather run a cheese grater over my nipples and eviscerate myself with a can opener than rematch a bruised ego."
Bucketus.Lord.of.Buckets: Lost got sponsors. I'm so proud of our goat boi
xueda9114: The first guy belongs to the arena. At least he didn't point down after chugging. Sorry you have to witness that
MrSkillcap: The first guy needs to go outside and touch grace
Valdyr_Hrafn: everyone thinks pure knight means going pure strength. but that is just another cop out like any other. real ones go with a quality build
HamsterPants522: I've been playing as a naked caveman with a Large Club putting all points into Vigor and Strength and I've never had more fun with this game. I love Elden Ring.
Pinto-bean3: People like the first guy are the ones giving this community a bad name. I love pvp win or lose. I’m just here for a good time
Aug 20 2024