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New Patch 1.14 is INSANE Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

emperorbulby3761: To be fair with radahn, I think some of the needs were justified. mainly the one that made his attacks not blind you.

SiverFangBlackWing: The one change to the boss that I don’t think should be controversial is visibility. Particle effects shouldn’t affect difficulty.

IcepickedWalrus: I just want the Consort Radahn fight to not cause frame rate drops in the second phase. It's the only fight that it happens

Epsonea_482: The Patch 1.14 situation is crazy

SereneLeskovsky: do not pretend that the cross-slash attack on PCS wasn't utter horseshit lol

someguywithoutamustachestw4406: Radahn was so broken both in game and lore they had to nerf him twice

rocketsocks3116: Merchant Kale showing a lot of trust in Waifu while shes shooting off lasers in his direction from the other side of the room.

WomanSlayer69420: When even Ongbal thinks the radahn nerf was reasonable there’s nothing you can really complain about. The boss was bullshit pre patch.

megustaelmate5499: I do not like how they nerfed Radahn entrance, the entrance of gravity magic was so iconic. It is like removing Messmer's orb attack at the beggining of the boss fight

Z31Tapia: Rip my glorious unbalanced unfair challenging king Promised Consort Radahn

MCPunk55: There's a different between a challenge and abuse. You can overcome a challenge. Overcoming abuse, however, requires therapy. Something Miyasaki is sorely lacking.

SondaroSasuke: To be honest the only thing I’m not okay with is the removal of the iconic gravity beyblade entrance from Consort Rhadan. It’s so iconic it’s going to be missed

UmbreonMessiah: There's overcoming a challenge, and then there's Promised Consort Radahn.

As someone who has played every Souls game except Demons' Souls, Promise Consort is legitimately

lunathemoon: One bug that was fairly noticable was Bayle's Tyranny being able to only hit one enemy on the roar

And the Godfrey Icon not boosting several DLC things

Glad they fixed that now

Tenmar.: I think the final boss for the DLC was too much. The main issue was that the number of opportunities to attack was typically just one light attack and even that would get you into trouble pending the weapon type. It was so bad that using the Caestus light attack animation took too long to get the damage and to add insult to injury, the attack range wouldn't hit the hitbox half of the time.

Not to mention that one attack combo in the first phase trained you to be able to get damage in was then quickly nullified in the second phase because they added an AOE behind the boss preventing that punish after dodging five attacks in a row. Unless you mastered parrying and had a high refresh rate monitor and high fps, that made that incredibly difficult.

Also wasn't a fan of how just getting hit once in phase two resulted in getting hit a second time. As well as most attacks would break your poise no matter how much you had.

dredwardrichthofenthemadma4951: Couldn't believe they nerfed radahn again

SilverFoxR: So, since the bug fixes were skipped over, there are 4 that are notable:

1) Euporia's buff no longer can be given to other weapons. On a lesser note, the glow effect transferring to other weapons is also fixed.

2) Bayle's Tyranny hits multiple enemies now instead of just one.

3) The Godfrey Icon works with more weapons/incantations (likely ones from the DLC that ought to).

4) Invasion spawn locations are now fixed, so you're not, for example, spawned into a place you can't move out of.

Obviously testing is needed for all of this.

Nalter_: I think consort radahn not taking a sh*t on your fps is good, actually.

The damage reduction was a bit silly cross slash and the second phase tanking your fps were 100% justified and good changes

jotadio608: Imagine halfway through the fight Radahn says:

"That will be all... Thou didst me a good service, Miquella..."

*Radahn breaks Miquella's neck

"I have given thee, flashbangs enough..."

*Leonard appears.

"RRAAAHHHHH!!!! Now i fight as General Radahn... CONQUEROR OF THE STARS!!!"

geraltofrivia7448: To be honest, consort Radahn wasn't the right type of difficult.

It's super cheap. Like an Amsterdam prostitu- I mean a Lies of P boss.

somerandomperson9670: I’m so good at prime radahn, that the nerf just feels unfair to him.

ChaosDraguss: Fromsoft nerfs PvE bosses because difficulty isn't something you can just dial up aimlessly no matter how much importance "challenge" is given to the game. Game design is a balancing act between many different facets, and the honest truth was that too many people were just plain not enjoying the fight, regardless of whether or not they could beat it. There's a reason even known skilled players find the idea of nerfing him reasonable.

amateraustt9901: Everybody is focused on the pve change and not on the pvp ones.

Now i can bonk players with the crucible Hammer with more swag

yamicats: i just busted one a few hours ago ngl

elry6385: I was abused to make this video, again

MultiAmmar2000: Radahn was awful and should have been nerfed. Just because it is PvE doesn't mean there shouldn't be nerfs.

misterjack4595: Radahn was so overtuned that the Antspur Rapier/Verdigris Greatshield strategy was objectively the best way to counteract him. When a situation like that happens your options are to either nerf the equipment or nerf the boss and nerfing the boss was definitely the way to go here.

klarenceryoughi: I wanna say that I don't condone making Radahn weaker, but correcting hitboxes is A ok

0142Jason: Let’s face it. The reason they gave a pause at the start of the Radahn fight isn’t a window for more buffs, it’s a window for the casuals to summon Mimic Tear.

jonmoree116: After struggling for 5 hours with pre-nerf Radahn and finally beating him. I'm glad that it was nerfed. That fight felt very unfair. I look forward to trying it out now that I dont have to use a great shield/spear build to win

VivianKurayami: Kinda disappointed about the nerf to Promised Consort because 90% of the time he starts with the same attack and the timing of the dodge feels so easy to memorize that it just always was an easy opportunity to dodge and then start getting some hits in.

darthdragonborn1076: Like the R2 attack buffs, makes using sword of night much more enjoyable. But i like that medium shields got buffed.

Crusable dlc thorns still needs a power buff and the crusable flower incant just needs buffed period

FOXY_SPHYNX: This is like the 2nd or 3rd time they nerfed dual spears. Are they okay? And backhand bladr alread got nerfed twice to hell deserving it. But a 3rd time is overkill at this point

dominicansolx: Ver al Chapulín en un video de Elden Ring me llena de Alegría.

I want his hammer in the game.

GinHyurin: They did my boy Radahn dirty, removing his spin to win at the start of the fight. Massive punishment for summoners it might have been, it was still super iconic. On the other hand, I totally do agree to giving us at least a little more space between attacks everywhere else. That big guy was practically impossible to duel except with light pokes here and there.

Sep 19 2024

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