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New Elden Ring Seamless Update is CRAZY GOOD Elden Ring DLC

maxbrown8791: Fromsoft recently endorsed this mod and added support for transferring save files, you think this tech will ever come to base game?

mcneally7291: me and my friends were just pvping and someone joined named "boss:micheal myers" and he looked just like him and the only thing he did was slow walk at us with a knife

Cosmic-Sorceress-17: Been meaning to give the Spritestones more love with my Holy build. Just need the materials to have a steady supply of them.

tobymeldrum5927: I was playing seamless with my buddy and we got invaded. We traded some hits with the iron balls and the hand wraps and then the invader literally stopped mid fight and drops 10 ancient dragon smithing stones. Most wholesome elden ring experience ever

KryBabyz: he is lost guys

pringlebread4913: As a casual PvE player, still love the PvP content because it is fun to watch and a side of the game that I will never willfully engage with.

jiijii123123: I don't like doing PvP, but I love watching people who are good at Pvp, so I do watch your stuff. The ability to turn off invasions is what lets me and my husband finally be able to play together in peace and fun without getting invaded by somebody who loves PvP constantly. This is also a win for people who love PvP because now it means everyone you invade consented to being invaded since they didn't turn it off, so you should end up with better fights.

Kevin-zz9du: Wow... so the lance talisman ACTUALLY has a use now lmao..

slurmlord5164: The Bully OST as the background for this is so applicable...

NathanTruby: So, during your opening monologue, I'd like to correct one thing. EAC isn't entirely at fault. It's an issue with Armored Core 6, too, but the issue is how Fromsoft implemented it.

So, while it's not entirely EAC's fault, they're not blameless in this problem either.

nak3dxsnake: This mod will definitely inspire the future of From Soft multiplayer. It works so well, and with a growing squad it makes the game feel more like a massive arcade game version of an MMORPG. Synergizing attacks through an entire level feels like how you've always wanted these games too if you could be a bit more unleashed and dynamic. Also a really great way to power level characters and transfer them to main game.

1Xaria: This is my first time seeing anything to do with this mod really, but there are definitely some pros and cons. Better scaling and less latency, awesome. Less to no fog walls cutting off areas, sounds good to me. Being able to use Torrent, might be interesting. But I think invading with 14 flasks is going too far. Let's not forget that the host is going through the level, there is a good chance even they don't have all their flasks. If we invade them at the end of a level, We may have twice as many flasks as them and their coop partner combined. But, thinking about it, perhaps this is balanced out by the coopers having 14 as well...

I definitely won't be looking into using this myself if I have to teleport to the host, obviously that is straight up cheating. So hopefully they fix whatever is wrong with the spawn points soon.

I would love a video going over all the details of this mod.

ZeriocTheTank: I do hope in a future update that you're not spawned in right in front of them all the time.

_You_Are_Not_Him_: I find it hard to believe that invasions wont be anything but ganks since you have to "opt in"

Jul 15 2024

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