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Miquella the Buzzed Elden Ring Comic Dub

user-mi9lf5fm8y: Miquella, the demigod of aftercare and consideration.

TheWarmachine375: Tarnished: "Do you seriously believe your own hype that much?"

Miquella: "I AM THE HYPE!!!"

GarGhuul: I think the Young Lion armour set should be alterable to add a miquella “cloak.”

waffie6785: So technically speaking he would be:

Miquella the blasted?

Miquella the Canned?

Miquella the blitzed?…

So many names….

Arnorian_Knight: A gourmet Zyn and Monster breakfast? I didn't know Miquella was in the Marines.

agonycity1754: First crayon eating now zyns and monster? What is he, in the military branch???

williamfalls: Once again, the final boss gets nerfed before I can... Make it to them... Alright then.

clarinetbubbleface8655: “This light bulb wants to have a staring contest with me, Imma look at it!”

Hawkens4k: Least offer me the best flavor of monster first...

ThePuff18: Throughout heaven and earth

I alone

Have zantax

Sep 17 2024

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