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Miquella Many Problems Elden Ring Comic Dub

chazaqiel2319: "Lord Miquella... I must say, the gentle world you strive to create was almost enough to sway me.

However, you may consider these two counterpoints:

1. Sir Ansbach is a certified BALLER.

2. You have made him upset."

Warrior-Of-Virtue: Lord of Frenzy: You want a thousand years of peace. I want an eternity of peace.

user-mi9lf5fm8y: Melina " I told you to stop using Frenzied Flame."

yamahadrag69: The Frenzied Flame is the Elden Ring equivalent of "Don't be part of the problem. Be the whole

jzpowell2108: Frenzied Tarnished really be like

“I want all the beef along with the chicken and pork as well”

voodooozo3755: Points at Ansbach

cyrusmuller6502: Miquella: what’s wrong with a 1000 years of peace

Chosen tarnished: everything you just said makes me violently angry

slipstream9619: I can hear radahn, in every fight, saying 'this tarnished GETS IT! BRING IT ON!!!'

houseofonion6959: Tarnished: "...free will?"

Miq: "free will machine broke"

Tarnished: "got it it, have a nice death to big clang"

Karak-_-: Ansbach wants to avange Mogh.

Tholier aims to fulfill St. Trina's wish.

And the Tarnished? We are getting rid of the competition.

themaniae4803: "I don't want peace.... i want revenge. For Mohg. Trina. Ansbach. Radanh."

ashurad_fox5991: Miquella: "1000 years of peace!"

Me who did the Rani Ending: "That offer ain't nothing! Rani offered me a dowry upon me being her consort, bringing the next 1000 years of peace and stability, and we get to spend the eternity in the moon!"

Miquella: "That's ridicu- WAIT RANI'S ALIVE?!"

waffie6785: To be honest, no god or deity is ready for the chaotic neutral goblin that only wants violence

whatsnewbois9814: Most reasonable Chaos ending enjoyer:

bruzh6359: I want peace. But I'll have it after Radahn's souls is free and Mohg's dignity restored.

akechijubeimitsuhide: Miquella just kinda balancing on Radahn's hair is so funny


darkursrike3161: "Peace!? Peace?! I'll give you peace you Little peace of shit!!"

Me on my 100th run

Maecky26278: Other tarnished, Consorts of the Dark Moon

Radahn, Consort to Miquella and 1000 years of passion

My tarnished who has seen everything and spend the last 8 days straight fighting Radahn: MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD

DIO_The_world: Miquellester finally meeting their creator with this one

clarinetbubbleface8655: She just wants problems because she craves attention.

MD-rf9ok: "Oh, I have nothing against it...I have a problem with you, Miquella."

Aug 27 2024

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