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Jar Jar Gaol Elden Ring 75

duchessofdementia7113: we didn't need to know what was in the jars, fromsoft.

hungvuongnguyen9881: Bro the dislike given to “beware of left” is so accurate lol

Greywarpfrog: the puppet yoda scream

nikpav: The "Died You Have" is pure gold

stalwart56k: The yoda impression is pretty good! Also the flame shield voice is pretty spot on, as it sounds like a cross between yelling and vomiting.....

writerofcomments: Such a missed opportunity not putting the lego yoda death scream when he dies

Inferinty: That dungeon was real tragedy to me but carbot makes it comedy

Pyrobull16128: i KNEW you where gona make a yoda joke here.

QueSirDilla: before gaol: hornscents are lovely. Messmer and golden order is evil.

After gaol: Is Messmer still recruiting?

larcrimosalindarattana7113: Oh...he know jedi cannot reflect flame thrower

TheAvprobeauty: The Star Wars and The Elden Ring, Crossover we needed, yes.

madjackgamingandfitness498: I never did experience the intensity of the miniboss because I pancaked him with a greatsword.

The_Guy_135: The yoda laugh after killing the tarnished got me cracking up

SilverSpectre90: Using Crystal Chronicles soundtrack was a top notch moment.

Another banger of video

Dreamrushyyz: I burst out laughing at the Kool-aid man reference. LOL

a22328425: “Hey there’s a jar!”


AnA10Pilot: Ah, the good old mandalorian solution to Jedi

One_Millisec: Yo, da Onze fight is one of the best.

orionakd: This kind of enemy NPC with super-fast camera shake is rare in elden ring.

We call it "ADHD" in Chinese, and it's not easy to get used to a bunch of these characters in the DLC.

But it's really fun if you find a way to beat them.

RuiNDieM1988: "Zero runes you shall have"

4dragons632: I loved how Yoda waddled towards super slow and then teleported, thats exactly what he did for me the first time I went there. Every time after that he was on me and attacking instantly.

Mrcow314: Spaceballs the Flamethrower, the kids love this one.

phdbot4483: He used the flamethrower shield! One of my favorite greatshields. That oughta help me laugh off my sick days, lol!

jasonburrell4903: Bro the potty headgear

tomascurti1753: I was ready for him to say "and yet still maidenless you are"

1SecondToLight: this is amazing dumb fun, love your videos mate :D always so spot on

dragoncubetv1310: The ghostflame dragon disguised as dead bush is so true

Aug 09 2024

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