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I played Elden Ring Nightreign... its VERY weird

Shelfside: For a game that's recycling enemies, that Margit invasion bit makes me actually want the Pursuer to show up cause this seems made for that type of invading boss

LeeFox1337: The disconnect thing is a problem even if it was just the wifi. A reconnect is a needed feature for things like this.

Csumbi: this game sounds like a nightmare if played with strangers

johnsanko4136: Hookshot, three day limit? This is the Majora's Mask of Dark Souls.


robfogle8299: If this event was at the Vegas Convention Center, the connection issues were likely the Convention Center's fault. Infrastructure there sucks ass and they never do anything to improve it.

nattyofastora: it definitely looks like a fun side project, some ppl act like it's supposed to be the next "big" fromsoft game but it doesn't seem like it from what has been showed. it isn't even full price which helps push that.

owolcz: Good that I have exactly 0 friends to play this with

MrZerofire13: Now im even more intrigued about solo play. While co-op is the main selling point, i think solo runs are going to be important aswell.

BloodyCrow__: This feels like its probably gonna fun for 2 days and then when you ask your friends to play again they will go "eh"

seanbecraft8088: You and Vaati posting the same video at exactly the same time has me convinced that you're secretly the same person. It's like Fight Club, but you're Tyler Durden.

SanerootYT: I have to say, a lot of this just looks like the Elden Ring enemies we've been fighting over and over again. I would've loved for them to mix in also DS1-DS3 enemies instead of just a few boss cameos. People are going to complain about asset reuse anyway, why not make the switch from Elden Ring to Nightreign a bit more fresh? Oh well.

allthenamesiwantedweretaken: inb4 modding wizards implement Nightreign movement and mechanics like Mantling, Super Sprint, Wallclimbing, the Spectral Hawk Glider, being able to use Spirit Jumps without Torrent and class abilities (hell, maybe even a race system since the Guardian is like a DnD Aarakocra) into the main Elden Ring game.

Slipperyjim8: And here I was about to got bed. NOT ANYMORE

Its_PizzaTime: With the return of some bosses, it’d be interesting to see the return of old NPCs as playable characters. “yeah I’m a Maneater Mildred main”

jackalobowaitthisnameistaken: I'm conflicted, multiplayer is one of my favorite parts of Elden Ring, but one of my least favorite parts of Elden Ring multiplayer is how folks want to rush through everything. I don't know if the pacing is something I'd enjoy.

bigred7509: It's funny hearing you say this looks like a fan mod because until this video I was under the assumption this was another DLC for Elden Ring, not a standalone title.

HolliDaeTepes: "When I asked the rep about how the map would change, or if there were other maps, they were pretty cagey"

Bro that map is NOT changing

cmattss4: The Recluse's magic cocktail ability is probably the coolest thing I've ever seen in terms of Fromsoft combat. It's like some combination of the Monster Hunter Kinsect Glaive and Invoker's spell combos from DOTA 2.

albertsign1166: 2 whole minutes, this unironically is faster than my first death to the Tree sentinel...

CXG44: Honestly, I'd like to see a set of "variants" of each character. Like the Duchess being pure dex, or arcane dex, or maybe even pure arcane leaning into her ability. That could change their stat distribution without having to "force" different suboptimal builds. Would increase replayability as well.

kevinoneil5120: I really really hope they change their mind and allow for 2 player parties. My cousin and I have been teaming up for these games since Dark Souls, and we dont wanna have to account for a third rando.

ハク-q6e1j: The most compelling thing about this game is what you cited at the end. In Elden Ring, you mostly use like 5% of what you find during a playthrough, but in this game and you having to use what you find, it makes the gameplay much more diverse than the main game.

allofyourdreams: No way to reconnect is a HUGE problem, there need to be a away to rejoin a dropped game.

Feb 13 2025

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