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I Beat Every Elden Ring Boss in 1 Hit

JaymzShikari: 5 hour edited video from 50 hours of streams, your editor is a true hero

phatnguyentien6902: I swear Bushy has like a backlog of these hours-long runs that he released in batch before going on a long ass hiatus then dropping another batch like how they used to do cartoon episodes

kendricklamarlover123: Imagine being a literal demi god just chilling and the last thing you heard before a tarnished coming up to you and eviscerating you to ashes is “Drink.Vow.Howl.Swap”

bane_0f_heroesx226: The next 5 hours are gonna be lit

1s5n: highest quality lighting and facecam I have ever seen on YouTube.

RottingDragon: Just to put it out there, but I really like the extra commentary rather than the whole video just being an edited down version of the stream.

Muschup911: man is so dedicated to finishing this challenge that he made a document for damage dealing and what talismans to use, i respect the hassle

crudfrog: Holy hell boys, it’s finally here!

Congrats on 500k subscribers Bushman. Loved watching this live brother.

magicturtle_sws1355: wake up imaginary babe new bushy dropped

StealthBomber422: Y'all this was absolutely insane to see..

I know it's long one but y'all don't want to miss alot of these kills ... Especially the demon himself ( yall gotta watch till the end)

Kilo_Griz: How long do you think this shit took? Like it took me 2-3 days of summer to beat Elden ring normally and now he’s doing this.

Elipe85: We drink, We wow, We flame, We blue,…..

LCZC57: Everyone from stream praise Mishimö

Chalicotherium1: Bushy is the Elden Ring version of Batman with preptime

lubue5795: 5 hours?!

Somebody stop this man or one day he will make a 24 hour video how he beats Elden Ring naked, using no weapon. while playing with his feet!!


Okay, I would watch it too.

manateeoverlord: mom said one more vid before bed

ZiggyStarman42: "Hey honey, you wanna watch two LOTR movies back to back?"

"I have a better idea"

Tuzsuz12: I swear to god if universities made exams about Elden Ring this guy would pass with flying colors

swiftfir4321: A 5 hour video on my birthday?! Bushy, you are the goat!

Shadowical: that melatonin gamersupps art is definitely something.

erasmus_locke: The dlc bosses having 100,000 health regularlyis going to make this hard.

I've got a 99 int Comet azure build that struggles even with 20 fragments

Ashtarte3D: Seeing a GamerSupps ad with Silvervale on it was never going to be on any Bingo card.

mishido4551: Roll right

John_Matt2707: Is this 5 hours? Yes

Will I watch it all? Also yes.

Feb 04 2025

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