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How To Start Shadow Of The Erd Tree Elden Ringgaming eldenring shadowoftheerdtree

ragingbonibus147: Do white mask vari quest line, you can get to mohg after killing godrick

prebenhellstroem: Loot Goblin like the rest of us

Ezekiel_Kleyer: Wierd mushroom flex but ok. :D

irishstew9951: Rookie nunber of mushrooms haha

web_082: Varre’s quest:

NecromancerBree: You don't need to go to the snowfields, you can get there from right next to the academy immediately after getting there.

Try finding the dark souls 1 dlc start lmao

doom1609: “I like to explore all of the caves” had me rollin

nuculardeadragaming3056: Seems like everyone forgets you can get to the Mohg dynasty early by invading three people. Not beating them, just invading them.

pengweng6109: if you haven't gotten to the snowfields. you're prob not ready yet. you are not meant to just do the dlc before finishing the main story, it's harder than the base game

Nina-pb9bj: Love your creativity, it's inspiring!

OhhTattler: Redmane castle is in Caelid, not the Altus Plateau

VadikProhorov-my3uw: Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!

thefrogmagician9866: You can do it basically as soon as the game starts with the white mask questline

diestormlie: They don't tell you this, but the mushrooms in caves are free. I have 225 cave mushrooms at home.

fl4ming_r4ven: I learned you can actually just power through Varre's quest line without killing Godrick.

There's a hidden path next to the broken bridge next to stomrveil castle. From there, go to Liurnia of the Lakes.

Renalla is a way easier fight, and once you get her great rune, you can find Varre. That, and it's also how you get to Altus Plateau.

Jun 29 2024

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