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How To Enter the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC eldenring eldenringdlc ai shorts

possessedlampshade178: Instructions unclear. Ended up in detroit instead of the island

Esponea_482: What happens in the shadows, stays in the shadows

jay_the_god1556: The epstein island mod is crazy

raymaxos: I was half expecting a rick roll when waifu showed the white screen

prueidki694: Chris Hansens sleep paralysis demon is so fucking good lmao

MojosGarden: Already had my character sitting in front of the egg, waiting for the DLC to finish downloading. No problem...until I got in, and a naked man destroyed me with beast claws.

mikeconner3684: Make sure and talk to the NPC after killing Mohg...

k-ondoomer: I wanna access the ranni dlc, explore her "land of shadows"

jest5837: As someone who's new to Elden Ring, I thought the names were legit.

in another note, the DLC is pretty fun so far.

FlyingPenguin196: Not too bad. Yes mohg is supposed to be late game, but he’s so fair that you can take him out around level 90 pretty easily if you go there from varre’s quest.

codyjames4814: Lol. Not the island

ShadowProject01: If you load in and the NPC isn’t by the hand, fast travel to another grace site then back to Cocoon of the Empyrean site and she should be there to instruct you to touch the hand

Jun 29 2024

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