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Home > Game News > Elden Ring Runes


Orca774: He looks so much slimmer

tristanhuistian: please make this a series man. Also petition to change "deji 2nd" to "comedyshortsgamer"

thosaibawang: some tips for:

1. you can jump

2. jumping attacks do more damage

3. you can two hand your weapon to increase damage.

4. you were blocking not parrying

dinokingg1207: The death counter should appear after he dies, not before. Makes it obvious that he's going to die.

dannytoons: W Deji, Ring of Elden is my favorite game!

NaturalHazard10: This was nostalgic for some reason. I hope he does a full playthrough.

ExKenKire: you need to fire your editor, who puts the death counter before the actuall death happens

iamagiraffe5459: lookin fit, nice work.

Moneyhunterx: this gave me old deji vibes wen u played dark souls great video

Rougecom: This is what the world needed!

fehemsiddiqui7686: If deji gets into this it would be amazing especially once he understands the game and it’s mechanics

Nothimriel: If you do a series on this that'd be mad cool

Fazemaxx32: Deji never disappoints to his videos ong

andrewonagbesan5987: I could help teach the game mechanics if you like. Some advice one, Morgott is a boss that leads to the next area. Therefore you should explore and level up before fighting him. To level up you use runes to increase your base stats. Your base stats affect different things. Vigor is your maximum hp, mind is your blue bar which is consumed when you do special moves or cast spells, endurance is your green bar which is consumed by running dodging jumping and attacking, it also allows you to equip more armor and heavier totems so you can have more than one weapon on at once . Strength boosts the damage of your weapons that are slower and hard hitting, dexterity increases damage with fast attacking weapons. Leveling both of these makes your melee weapons hit harder. Faith and intelligence both center around different types of magic incantations for faith and sorcery for intelligences. Want crazy magic power and the ability to fight at range when getting close isn’t safe level these. And lastly arcane makes debuff that you apply to enemies stronger. If you want I’m willing to join and teach more about this game to you. If you want to become the Elden lord you must seek out power by overcoming powerful foes. Your journey has only just begun.

Jun 28 2024

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