kingmart2746: Nobody insults Soler my sun pro
adamgarlow5347: Me: Having a bad day
Patcheresu: Glup Shitto is a term to refer to a random Star Wars character no one remembers or cares about, mocking when people are like DUDE GLUP SHITTO IS IN THE NEW MOVIE
DPAnime1415: Kevin has to be a paid actor at this point
RustyNReckIess: I enjoy how the segments of the video are labelled. Straight spittin'
kingmart2746: How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man? .THE NOBELS SLENDER SWORD IS THE BEST WEAPON IN THE GAME
s.w.a.a.g.: I dont know shit about Naginatas. All i have is my 2 tursty Nagakibas and my patience.
Golat56: Im catching these earlier each time they come out Thank you for blessing us with the British and Argentina Accent Pequeña Estrella :D
jeanmclean6703: Opening random YouTube notifications while studying huge books for tomorrow's school test is definitely not a good idea
But hey, it's our Waifu: I can at least drop a nice "Hola" before quickly going back to my studies
supersai-raptor5167: Now bomba has become an inspirational quote for me.
pathfindersavant3988: "You don't look like smough"
Anyone else here get irrationally angry when someone clearly names their character after a particular already existing character, but refuse to commit to the bit and look nothing like them? I know its irrational, but it just makes me angry whenever I see someone called "Gwyn Lord of Sunlight" running around with a moonveil and wizard hat.
you1027: How I wish Rellanna's twin swords weren't ass
luvkaslovkas8322: `` That`s kinda insulting, I gave you that weapon``
noodle-km9nq: Still gives me cancer
ScrambledEggsGD: Also Congrats on finally getting a sponsor!
TheKingAtlus: it was always simple and strong
Nameless_Godzilla: Got so scared
I almost thought Kevin wouldn’t be in the video
yureivan: Ranni saying Gordo Teton was not on my Bingo Card, still waiting for the “We’re in the B!!!”
dely9999: Porque siempre que algo está roto tienes que estar tu presente... SANGRADO!!!
FBIAgentRC-: As someone who only started the souls series 5 months ago, its really interesting seeing the history of how cancerous some of these weapons are. My favorite weapon for pvp rn is the Antspur rapier with blood affinity and poison mist for TRIPLE STATUS BUILDUP. I call it HIV on a stick.
dokuganryyu: I still remember the time a guy started to get funny spamming stabs with a Zweihander, so I equipped 1 Naginata and 1 spear and basically taught him that 2 pointy sticcs were more stabby than 1 long sticc.
Jan 22 2025