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Elden Ring Youre not supposed to see this

lubue5795: Very dedicated stage helpers, standing there in the rain and wind on a god-forsaken mountain only to get continuously hit by lightning.

DeadlyNightshadeZ: "We can change the facedata of the NPC's to Igon"

CURSE YOU BAYLE! We hereby vow, that you will rue this day! Behold, a true drake warrior, and I, Igon, and I, Igon, and I, Igon, and I, Igon, and I, Igon, and I, Igon, and I, Igon!

mani21axe40: Whats wrong with jagged peak? Bayle! Vile Bayle!

JasoTheRed48F2: The Igon Everywhere system was very innovative for it's time.

KogasaTatara514: Friendly reminder that there are 100 dummied out godskin apostles in the leyndell catacombs

DisFantasy: Reminds me of how Blizzard used invisible bunnies to give raid bosses targets for attacks and pathing.

RAHelllord: I love those invisible yet important NPCs. Back in the days WoW used a lot of invisible imps and bunnies to broadcast flavor messages in the area (either zone wide or just local, depending on the specific story requirements) whenever the actual "speaker" was meant to be invisible to the player anyway. Like boss taunting you from the back of the cave, but the case is mostly unloaded and so the boss isn't loaded either, so a little invisible bunny near the mouth of the cave would instead be playing that sound file and broadcast the associated chat message.

Clever little system, and occasionally a new patch would make some of them visible until they fixed it again, and that was always fun.

They also occasionally forgot to set a few flags so here and there they could be interacted with, like for example pulling rogues or druids out of stealth, or making a hunter pet try and attack a spec of dust on the floor and just refusing to obey any other command.

Bukwheat: Everything is wrong with the Jagged Peak

bl4cksp1d3r: Gotta love these stage hand NPCs. A quick and simple solution to a problem, instead of trying to find the difficult way around it

AaronCorr: This has the same energy as Morrowind making disembodied dialogue be technically spoken by the player character. Iirc, in daedric shrines the lips of the character move when the deadra speak

wadespencer3623: That is a LOT of Igons. Bayle better look out.

LiaHing-on5do: I really appreciate the stagehands comparison, keeping a touch of poetry. Your videos are truly a pleasure ngl.

omerozel4716: I remember posting about those NPCs a week or so ago and also thought they are tied to the lightning.

Thanks for confirming it Zullie.

Xelatheshep: The worst thing about Jagged Peaks is that Bayle is there.

Curse you Bayle indeed.

akechijubeimitsuhide: What I'm hearing is Bayle hired a bunch of int/fth build dudes (invisibility lightning) to make the road leading to him more Epic

GoldLight73: Now I just have a mental image of an army of Igon endlessly screaming at the peak...

khajiitimanus7432: Headcanon:

All of these invisible actor enemies are like truly divine Dancing Lion actors. The metaphysical troupe of the Greater Will and the Crucible.

The Divine Beast bosses are just the interns. That's why they're still visible. They haven't mastered the transcendental part.

ironsalmon784: The spirits of those slain by bayle have been set free upon his death

ladyabaxa: Anyone remember the invisible bunnies in World of Warcraft used for all sorts of scripting purposes? Pepperidge Farm remembers... as does the internet as it was trivially easy to find a bunch of articles on the subject in any search engine.

Anyone this is just to say that this is a developer technique that's been in use for a long time so anyone curious to know more about the subject has plenty to look up.

firewolf595: The more I look at Bayle the more I wonder how tf Placidusax stood a chance.

Oct 15 2024

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