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Elden Ring Wing Of Astels Heavy Attack Is Incredible Now

L0N3W0LF1337: I love how Chase's hair color changes based on the build/weapon

samparnell2494: Chase, brother, I would love to see a pot build sequel. Nothing has brought me sick joy lately as much as watching you snipe tarnished with giant pots. No matter the vid you're doing, that one or two pot throws you always manage to sneak in just make my day

Aoi_Tori_: Yo what's up guys, ChaseTheBeam here

karmascamera5275: Weirdly enough, the Wing of Astel's Charged Heavy waves CAN NOT boosted by the Axe Talisman, but CAN be boosted by the Two-Handed Sword Talisman

Ulvorskets: Bro i thought you were holding a big fkn fish on the thumbnail

Holynoelle: As Chase once said some years ago: "See, I can be a wizard, I just need my sword to cast for me"

Cubic..: You can't escape it. One day you WILL use a certain little torch

iamtheone946: Where's the leveling through PVP please

benh.92: If you anticipate them dodging through your Nebula, you can unlock and place it behind you at the last second as a mix up.

michaelbowman6684: You know, I just realized that both Intelligence and Faith builds have lots of options for sword beams. Wing of Astel, Moonveil, DMGS, Adula's Moonblade, Sacred Blade, Golden Order Greatsword, etc.

gaspump: Can we put all the Bayle Incantation and Nanaya Torch people in a room together for some real life PVP? Winning team gets the next build video.

Oct 26 2024

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