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Elden Ring TOP 12 Most Broken Builds Ranked 1.13!

Toast-zh9tj: Cmon man, make some varieties in builds, please don’t become the guy that repeats the same builds every video, try making a spear build or something

kingrogers7740: This is clutch, Ng DLC is looking treacherous

willprobablydie8774: Nice! Let's see Paul Allen's build.

ROCKhardRICHARD69: Ice spear is one of my favorites as well! So happy with the flame spear addition

judgeminty7070: Just saying, something like a great katana or any great weapon that can use blood tax, raksasha set white mask, any good seal for buffs, godskin talisman miliscents blood talisman anything else you prefer with crimson sucking tear blood buff tear gives you a build that lets you heal up any damage quickly and damn good damage along with bleed procs. I'm 220 so I soft capped arc at 45, 60 vig, 20 mind, 35 end, 70 str, then toss enough in faith for buffs and rest in dex. Pretty fun unique life steal build

Oh and toss on malenia rune for more hp regain chance

ryanzz1357: I played the DLC on ng 7 on day one; cleared everything until rahdan then I had to cheese him with shield

joejoe6411: Which does more lions claw or savage lions claw?

booleaninfernusstudios5352: I'm on Armored Core 6 NG 4 and I'm still coming back and watching your content. Excelente

christianotto5553: Great to finally see NG8 builds. The difference to NG0 is so huge, you need to think about defense much more. As you have undoubtedly noticed. xD

Dioptase26: I went to RL200 for my 7 run mostly to give more versatility to my weapons but I found it was needed

Aug 23 2024

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