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Elden Ring Throwing Weapons At The Enemy Is Very Effective

itsjum: “Your friend is dead, I killed your friend” almost thought I was watching Lost for a second there

meagannem: ''twinblade timmy'' is a new one lol


Lesion411: Ah and now we move back closer and closer to the sun’s apex. Will devour its warmth to invigorate Nanaya’s Torch?

krissy989: "Hey host, cinderblock!"

MrSkyButWhy: Elden Ring: Throwing can be a winning strategy

MedievalMech: "Let's go play catch son."

IsraTheBlack: The smithscript axe is the best one out of all these throwable weapons since it can true combo the jumping R2 into standing R1. Works great with raptor of the mists ash of war. Also you really need to start using a dagger with assassin's gambit so long range wizards can't target you.

realbloodydoves: First, obligatory: you know who likes throwing stuff at his enemies? Ser Moore! He's a certified Hefty Pot enjoyer! Continue the throwing series with a Ser Moore Invades Your World video!

Second, I actually did an entire run of the game (all 25 remembrances Bayle) using almost exclusively the smithscript weapons (and a tiny bit of the Spear of the Impaler, which you can also throw). They're pretty fun, though the throwing attacks became less and less useful as the game progressed. Some notes if anyone reading this ever wants to do a run yourself: the shield absolutely curbstomps dragons where you lock onto their head; the greathammer is the best weapon in a generic "is a good beatstick" sense; the spear and axe have dogshit damage falloff and the spear's moveset is pretty bad, axe is good though; the daggers are surprisingly powerful on a bunch of different infusions, they're highly recommended; the golem fists (which also have a ranged attack) are pretty underwhelming IMO, not recommended.

Th3Messenger99: Love your videos, Chase. I've learned so much about the game and have become a better player thanks to your showcases and explanations.

Please consider doing an Albinauric cosplay with Curved Greatclub. Thanks.

danmakudodger70: ASSEMBLE!

drakardmexigun7280: I love the variety of builds you are throwing at us. Please don't get bored.

MitoBonsai: I'd like to see the dex version of this build with the smithscript spear, daggers, and cirque. I've used them cold infused as well but they work best on a dex build.

paapa-kofiagyekum1814: Throwing weapons video during Super Bowl Sunday… well played Chase… well played…

_furydance8890: I propose a SPARTAN build: throwing spear, roar, and kick

AerixI: The Optimized Yeet build, what a wild concept

santiagojimenez8301: I love your videos, dont stop, you are the best!!!

Feb 11 2025

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