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Elden Ring The Poisoned Sorcerer Does Insane Damage

logicalvinny: Dishonest Stinky Sorcerer

joopozo: The double Dishonesty!

Our precious Chase has been corrupted by the dirty wizards!

dynamic4424: These aren’t even invasions anymore this is just: Chase joins your world and everyone explodes

jeborges5484: Ayyy I was the bonk wizard. Was horrified to face you considering the 1900 damage grav missile you threw at the poor first phantom

bare_bear_hands: Oh no

Toast-zh9tj: Yo what’s up guys, Chasse The Snake here

pequodbestboy: Worry not, Chase. Dishonesty is not native to this world, it is but a contrivance. All sins may be atoned and forgiven. In this case the fastest path to forgiveness would probably be a meme build using a somewhat inefficient yet interesting weapon, to really captivate the audience. You already know which one I'm gonna suggest.

Halovex: Okay that Carian wizard in Leyndell was awesome. Props for trying some creative moves.

mr.kittysavestheworld695: Man. To think I said the last build was a "stinky wizard."

Nice to see you remembered the Poison Hand buff this time, too.

Halovex: You were supposed to destroy the wizards! Not join them!

senorsushi86: 3 wizard builds in a row

jacobnista8967: People actually leveled Vigor in this video, so happy to see people learning!

oddyssi: Chase just casually discovering new ways to be the most toxic elden ring pvper

jonathancastillo6433: The poisoned serpent flail build is going to be wild

timelineenjoyer: poison dragon communion wizard with bayle’s spells gonna go hard af, since they are arcane. two dragon communion seals, with poison helmet and talismans will be a one shot machine

Feanor1988bis: When your spells hit so hard that they oneshot a 1600 health phantom after he removed half of your buffs with Leda's sword AoW. The dishonesty.

mauricepitter1453: “Why you bullying me” ass build

UnaMoscaEnLaPared: WTH! Why bother... This build is so overpowered...

Epic_Hatter: Hello guys, chase the wizard here.

ddm4life915: Every time I invade I get ganked by a team of 3 of these.

Oct 23 2024

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