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Elden Ring The Finger Wizard Is Surprisingly Strong

joopozo: Yo what's up guys? Chase the fingerer here... wait

QuenchyCactus: Chase! You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the dishonest wizards, not join them!!

Nova_Scotia_Adventurer: My wife says I'm the finger wizard with all the spells

midnightbread: Kid named Finger:

logicalvinny: Rabbath's Cannon Rabbath’s Bolts Terra Magica magic scorpion Arrows sting Soaring sting magic cracked tear = The Elden Snipe (Chase use Rabbath's Cannon)

Armless4710: He did it

He tried finger

Lesion411: You would be surprised how much stronger Nanaya’s Torch is.

Exodusblack21: This dishonesty arc is going too far. SHAME

Lendarytilapia: The fit is actually so solid with the Solitude helm

shkotayd9749: Chase giving the boys a serious case of Projectile Dysfunction

ze_glitchy_gamer7629: Fun fact: the alt cosmetic change where the fingers are visible is the version that boosts the finger spells

chepesantito71: ChaseTheFinger

Th3Messenger99: Chase gave a new meaning to giving your enemies the finger

UwU_Ltaken: I did not expect Chase to yell finger blast

yadeel8281: Waltuh, we need to wait for the Greatuh Will Waltuh

Fresh_Baklava: I am fighting back my childish humor.

Dlognar: You know how you know Chase is classy? He waited until a fingercrawler enemy showed up to make the "give you a hand" joke.

Sirlgglesworth: Chase: Damned, dirty wizards

Randomness-hz7kj: The dlc added a whole lot of new consumable items, it’d be neat to see a build utilize as many of them as possible! Spirit stones in particular, they’re slow, but people may underestimate them.

Nov 12 2024

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