Lesion411: Gold looks yellow doesn’t it? Yellow like the Frenzied Flame. Just like the one held by Nanaya’s Torch
SolidGoat: Your ability to laugh through being dual moonveiled.... there is nothing more terrifying...
kelseytang6391: Neuron activation when I hear "Cruuuuumblinn' Farum Azula"
AnsbachthePureblood: The Obsidian Lamina is Obsidian
oceanpotion: You know what else will make you feel euphoric? Chase using Nanaya’s Torch.
weinereater-wm6qm: You know what else is golden? Nanaya's torch.
sse12345: Bro just ducking the torch at this point
TheBlafman: Nanaya’s torch video better be an hour long analysis video essay / invasion compilation. Anything less and I will not be offering you 1 million runes from freshly farmed Albinaurics, albinauric blood clots included.
teldoroteldoro4476: Elden Ring: My penor is broken :(
mohammad98761: You know what else is golden? The hue of Nanaya's Torch
cherrycola4476: That one dungeon invasion made me appreciate the Ruins Greatsword even more
procrastinatorextraordinaire: Would be fun to see a build around the Carian Sorcery Sword, it’d be only a semi-filthy wizard build!
It can pair nicely with the jellyfish shield, with its spells buffed from the shield’s skill and scholar’s shield spell buffing the shield itself, giving it a nice glow
memixgreex3910: “Them superpowers get neutralized I can only watch in silence”
joemamma-wb3xz: you know what else is golden? the ash of war "blade of gold" on the blade of calling/melina's dagger. seems like the perfect time for a melina cosplay don't you think? and if not, just do the RoB variant of Kevin!
Birchapple: hey chase, just wanted to say i really enjoy your videos!
rabidcabbage7230: No, it's Patrick!
danielpiller4612: Blasphemous Billy
Bloodhound Bob
Moonveil Marty
Reduvia Randy
Rivers of Blood Ronald
MDhuncho: Thanks Chase for you using the Faith Builds Golden weapon!
Feb 22 2025