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ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Part 1

Harbinger_Hunter: And so Jack is back, not with a bang, but with a bonk.

maidenless1960: Elden ring is just a story of a messed-up family being slaughtered by a random guy from some foreign country

Sixx-Stitch: Jack is straight up glowing with that luscious long hair

soulcoastmk2366: "The first boss shouldn't be that hard right?"


icedtead9812: Jack missing the view because the weather is bad is in-character for an Irishman

nolanconnolly6626: BONK HAS RETURNED

cjtheboi1918: Best way to start the day: a cup of coffee and a 2 hour episode of Seán playing the Elden Ring DLC

SuperModelJaney: I'm glad you went back for the big reveal once the fog was gone, it's definitely worth seeing how gorgeous everything is

Kredorish: It’s refreshing to see the Ol’ Mighty Jackspeticeye fighting something new and unknown.

janijoubert3112: Shadow Bonk is that one friend you don't want in the group, but you know you can't do it without him

SuperModelJaney: Miyazaki just casually drops one of the greatest DLCs ever and afterwards says, "Yeah, we could do better."


supernva9323: Jack saying "Where is the furnace visage" while scrolling over it is so on par. This is why we love it

tiskky7385: my mum walked in as soon as Jack said 'hey fucknuts" and we both lost it

ultimateburrito7037: My ball-gag is tied and my leather straps are fastened, I’m ready to get hurt again.

stuartmiller8868: Jack: “ I can’t shout because I’m ill

Jack 10 minutes later: “GOOOOAAAAAAAATTTTTTT

olofwelen6595: "I dont want my ability to drink be harmed" spoken like a true Irishman

chancewoodruff7095: What a strong opening! boss fight immediately! And Jack screaming like a crackhead!

Potatohead-sb8qq: OMG I was waiting for this video!!

ItzzzzSin: Fun fact those tiny scorpions you saw in a taxidermy are more poisonous and deadly than the massive ones

They even keep large scorpions as pets in other countries

colekiesler6721: Jack returning to Elden Ring once again feels like a new story has just been unleashed.

Ratblarg: Ive been waiting all morning for this

Farid_152: there you are!

stephenmccallister967: Just had the best ad placement lmao.

Jack: “The story trailer said”

Then ad plays.

weebasaurusbecs5863: The scream I scrumpt when the notification popped up!! I’m so excited to watch this!!!!!!!

TheOutcast713: jack singing bury the light was not something I expected but definitely welcome, good to see you again!

dan20a5: Bonk finally achieved the mental capacity required to wear helmets

greebsta: Love the continued references to Stormlight Archives in Seán's playthroughs. A man of culture!

Ixarus6713: Old Bonk is unfriended.

Bonk 1 is my new best friend.

HeisenbergFam: Watching Sean while eating food is a tradition at this point

ABbaby-li5bq: mothafuka back like he didn't disappear for a month

silverscorpio24: "Was that knight flying? Is he Radiant?"

goddex1764: Jack is slowly turning into Jesus with that look and I'm all for it.

kata788: Boss tries to heal with no flasks

Nangesoup: I didn't want to leave a negative-toned comment, but it's pretty lame how he just uses summons and the mimic tear to completely obliterate the bosses without even getting to experience them properly. He could have at least given it an attempt or two. It just seems odd for somebody so in-love with Fromsoft to simply ignore the care and nuance of a new fight, and simultaneously voiding the reward and the true experience of playing the boss for the first time, by just cheesing them instantly. I love Jack, but I'm pretty underwhelmed with his constant rejection of challenge, especially in a game like this one.

creature2711: That start with the Mohg kill as you died. It’s so funny when it happens cuz it’s a matter of fractions of seconds if it counts or not. On my first time playing I got Maliketh like that so it can work.

When I got to Malenia by some miracle within my first 20 or so attempts I got her killed right as the rot got me and didn’t count. After that it took me 2 days to get again her again to phase 2 and another 3 days to kill her.

sakthivelannaamalai3794: That was the most chaotic start to a video ever!!!

VorpalSnickerSnack: Crinkling my toes in excitement. Sean looking like a god with that beautiful hair and beard.

kieransusmilch9515: Honestly, I kinda wish he combined his characters for the dlc. Dinklebamp bonk = DinkleBonk, the most powerful tarnished to ever live

Jun 23 2024

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