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ELDEN RING Ranking Bosses Strength Based on Lore

jetstreamvlad9060: 20 minute episode of a show: Ehhhhhh, maybe I'll watch it

8 hour long video about Elden Ring lore: puts on most expensive suit

Lynnux6002: Holy shit, looks like I'm not going to be bored this week

GuzeVellaGera: Btw, if anyone is wondering why rick soldier of god is so low, it's because this list is in reverse order from strongest to weakest

LeeHarveyKennedy: An 8 hour video packed full of interesting lore explanations for the entirety of Elden Ring’s world, and the biggest revelation comes 15 minutes in when you learn the Spiritcaller Snail has a grab attack

imsuperior7318: No one:

Bestiary: “TOTALITY”

GardenK11: 8 hours? Damn.

Rykard number one obviously. He has the Power of Family. And Family always wins.

GuzeVellaGera: Imagine how strong messmer would be if he had a great rune

zaybrah8826: 8 hours? I’m locked in Mr. Bestiary…

batterypoweredgorillas: Soldier of God,Rick should have been number 1.

greatwhitnorth: Love your content. I’ll be here watching if you keep making these “strongest in lore” videos!

elcawyo9629: we're eating good this whole week

quarterbrownder1585: I thought the phase 2 fight with rennala was just a projection like sewer mohg, put in place by ranni to protect her mother. Thats why ranni introduces her and also why rennala initially looks like a spirit before taking full form and color, and why shes still alive after the battle.

msn3033: “Babe can I pick the movie tonight?”

drcider5255: I prefer him both as a character and as a boss, but putting Bayle that high over Placidusax is crazy when they fought and Bayle LOST. There's no reason to assume Bayle is any stronger now than he was when he challenged Placidusax. The idea that Bayle is using Placidusax's heads to conjure Placidusax's wings is complete headcanon. There's no reason to assume Bayle can't do that on his own when Bayle's wings are clearly different than Placidusax's. Bayle 's wings have the distinct curved talon that all drakes do while Placidusax's do not.

Though Bayle's access to flame lightning is noteworthy for sure, it clearly wasn't enough for him to beat Placidusax in the first place. The ancient dragons manipulating humans to fight their race war for them isn't a feat for Bayle or the drakes.

azaleacolburn: Kinda wild Rykard takes, ngl

Thegaming728: Get this man a like and subscribe, he worked for months without a sponor to create an 8 hour long masterpiece! Gotta support ya, buddy

svartrbrisingr6141: Soldier of God, Rick being so low? I guess we are only judging him by the 0.000000000000001% of his true power that he shows us in the game. He could have become Elden Lord but he instead guided us along that path instead. so selfless.

elemental-zweihander: This video needs own DVD setbox.

siddhantchauhan1975: Just want to say that the rennala illusion was entirely ranni’s doing. The second phase, she literally says you who disturbs my mother’s despair, now face the queen of the full moon and send word that the queen of Caria is still here in her strength. Rennala didn’t speak at all and was in fact just reaching for the egg. So it ranni who placed that illusion to those who dared attack her mother.

Hoscue: 104: Runebear

1: That Runebear in Dragonbarrow Cave

Grizzly42665: Wow, that is an a lot of effort. Thanks for this enormous project.

TheKotor2309: My dude, mad props to you

arturmagomedov4849: Heavily disagree with some placements but you put too much work and effort into this for me to give you anything but praise.

Sep 20 2024

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