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Elden Ring Queeligns Greatsword Is Amazing For Faith Builds

RumiLockhart: Obsidian Lamina is amazing too... take your time Chase

moistwettie9256: Chase, it’s time to showcase the lizard claymore

anitaremenarova6662: Lizard greatsword is a Claymore with a glock attached at the end

KirinDave: Chase enthusiastically saying "Nice backstab!" at his opponent is why he's such a great member of the Elden Ring community.

WalkingWillow: Literally just started a playthrough using Queelign's greatsword with fire knight weapon arts and what do I see in my notifications? Your timing is perfect as ever Chase

raysalittlehell4617: Im so happy you used flame spear <3 hope you had fun!

The_Real_Lemon: Elden Ring: Nanaya's Torch Is Amazing For Faith, Int, Strength, and Dex builds

ndamziakah966: I got invaded by a ChaseNotThebro

buffruddy297: “I need you to heal” has such god-playing-with-ants energy lmao

starbomber: Ah yes "Greatsword", looks like a polearm, is a Heavy Thrusting Sword. Typical elden ring weapon typing.

Aug 16 2024

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