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Elden Ring ONE MILLION DAMAGE in ONE Attack Patch 1.13 Great Katana Wild Strikes Gitch syrobe

F1shyBab1shy: Thats the FIRST time I’ve ever seen 1 MILLION in one hit, most I’ve ever seen beforehand was 100,000. you’re the GOAT fr

CreativeName400: Chainsaw is back and more dangerous than ever I guess

CreativeName400: Achievement unlocked

zackor1120: That's our boy, breaking the game in every way imaginable!

Swag_lord69: When/if this gets patched I'm placing my bets on some crazy bug with whips next

ascerin: This is a lot of fun. Finding the occasional edge case like this and then trying to understand it makes my brain very happy.

darkphoenix7966: Sorry, the person I learned it from made it more complicated than it was

iRunKids: If you ever wondered how PvPers can roll/backstep behind you and land a perfect backstab regardless of which way they’re facing, it’s because we roll/backstep unlocked, then lock on when positioned behind you and immediately R1 and it’s basically a guaranteed backstab, so long so your character is close enough when you initiate it

Ethical228: Great video syrobe

0atslaughter: Fair and balanced.

Aug 10 2024

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