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Elden Ring Magic Pot Builds Do Unbelievable Damage

Lesion411: With every appearance, the sun sets lower and lower. Is this your plan my lord? When the sun descend fully will you hold Nanaya’s Torch aloft and be our light in the growing Darkness?

gingerbread3686: This video is basically one of those compilation videos: THE MOST EPIC ELDEN RING MOMENTS! But its just a regular video made ridicilously funny by the build used.

jessdwlee: Out of all the creative ways you PVP, your pot and bow invasions are my favorite. Great content! Keep up the good work.

oatmeal5672: I be smoking on that 99 int magic bush... that terra magica greatjar pack... filthy wizard super cheese...

NoBirthNoDeath: Every Chase build eventually becomes booty grab, pot toss or great bow ledge kill not that I'm complaining

AT7outof10: The irony of needing high intelligence to mindlessly bash people over the head with ceramics.

devinhoward4027: I remember when this town was full of upstanding Knights and nobles, now the potheads have taken over

Surgeonic: Leonidas: “Akkadian, what is your profession?”

“I’m a potter, sir.”

“Oh, shi-“

darthpickle: He’s managed to make even the humble pot build dishonest

Fryfat: Please do a compilation of people who actually manage to kill you!

CloudLicht: Chase has beaten so many players in this game that hes using meme builds to nerf himself so it stays kinda entertaining

phragmocone: I have thousands of hours invading and I just learned I can backstep the swamps.

mrgreen497: You dont need magical pot Chase!! You can get the highest highs from Nanaya's Torch with zero side effects!

eatyourveggies_: Dude, you have had so many out of nowhere pot kills

logicalvinny: Sir Alonne Has Invaded Your World

BlueShellshock: Terra Magica has some other fun implications in that it can improve Glintstone and Ghostflame dragon breaths. It can be hard to justify that janky int-faith-arc build that's normally only run for Briarthorn sorceries, but it's got an alternative in the Terra Magica magic breaths.

broncohaak: Chase has forgotten he was doing a level via pvp series it seems :(

bayshore3497: It's really crazy how you can make a video every day for the last three years and always have something semi new and entertaining. This is such a good game

Jan 21 2025

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