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Elden Ring: Left Hand Weapon Setups Are Extremely Powerful

_umarro_: you're just trying to look for builds that match the hat, aren't you chase?

i approve!

clivebazzington: Oh no, Chase has fallen into the halstoc hole

codybunz6311: He was hitting the watch dogs statue with Crystal darts I'm guessing trying to get it to attack you but that's not how that works it just makes them attack each other

kchuz0020: Left hand St Trinas torch setups are extremely powerful too...

Holynoelle: It's so refreshing to see the first invasion because its just pure melee combat. No spamming ashes and spells, no annoying incantations, no cheesy AoW, no blender, no toxic behavior, just raw face-to-face fight and wins the best. I miss things like that in this game's PvP

200crazyz3: Bro has a gaballion souls just chillin in his souls bar

BlueShellshock: Wait, it’s 108 poise to go through the second

FRoSTBiT3z: What impresses me the most about chase vids isn't the really good combat and being able to do 1vs many, it's the light speed menu swapping

Man is an actual wizard at it

raijinoflimgrave8708: That first invasion was a really good fight. Chase demonstrated some excellent movement and spacing. It's my birthday today so I'm not gonna count gravity kills

Edit: there weren't any anyways haha

Adam-tu1qx: I just started the video... but I hope you tried the off-hand Lance! It has hyper armor on its L1 for whatever reason.

I love to use main hand Godfrey's Axe, and off hand Lance. Very fun & effective combo. You should try it!

May 12 2024

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