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Elden Ring Great Katanas Are The Best Occult Weapons

spiraljumper74: Bro hit the “Ka-RUM-bling Farum Azoo-la” so hard the host just self-deleted.

Lesion411: And Nanaya’s Torch is the best madness weapon. You should use it next time.

TheBlafman: I will pay you 500,000 runes humanely farmed from Backstabbed Albinaurics if you use the Nanaya's torch.

terraelaweonao: Something something torches

Kerberos27: Alright I'll pitch Gravity Greg for the old school Radahn swords, and Lightshow Larry for the new one

championchrome5452: I don’t really got a good joke for this one, but day 11 requesting a Black Flame Blade build, will hopefully have better material tomorrow

carterbrown1067: You should try using both the nagakiba and wakizashi dagger, the longest katana and the shortest katana

oddthemute6172: I've wasted far too many tears trying out these builds.

And I will continue to do so.

RaysOfTheGolden: I don’t if anyone’s ever told you this but Nanayas torch is the best madness weapon you should consider a build with it

josephBo: Some hosts literally go caveman brain and think "3 v 1, that means attack, never stop attack, never roll, never look at hp. 3 v 1 ez"

SgtBuffagor: Is no one going to acknowledge that was an honest to goodness Brick Hammer user for some reason?

Beatstinger: Chase has "Like the video before it starts" status now.

codyromero2485: The invader at the end

"I gotchu bro"

Goblinboyo162: Fun fact

With the crimson dagger talisman, you get double the healing bonus if you’re using a great katana. Only works on regular enemies like knights, foot soldiers, etc. but it doesn’t include boss enemies or Omen.

I think the healing bonus is linked to crit animation type?

A-b9x: Loving the content revolving around different weapon types lately! I think it would be really cool to see you use the Carian Sorcery Sword. It's one of those niche weapons that I think could be really versatile in PvP

Jan 28 2025

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