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Elden Ring Gravity Builds Have Amazing Combos Now!

prayray99: Isaac Newton been real quiet since this dropped

rafaelavesani3065: "Dishonest above wizard." Says the dishonest below wizard.

nathantituskennedy5207: The age of Wizard Chase is upon us. Seek shelter.

RafelJaggai: Hey what's up ChaseTheBro, guys here

loubloom1941: They used to laugh about it. They thought it was a joke. They're not laughing now. Today, they realize the gravity of the situation.

TechNinjaSigma: Radahnmaxxing

Lesion411: Why not the Master of Frenzy? I’ve heard the Nanaya’s Torch is a great start.

okiraaf: Dishonest above wizard

smithnosebar: Gravity stone fan is an excellent consumable for gravity builds

featherhead3448: Miyazaki laughing at the billions of people who have died to gravity

SaltyBeagleYT: Your earlier builds revolving around gravity magic made one of my favorite strength builds lightly also rolling into int/ faith a blast. Thanks for all this great content Chase!

Oct 30 2024

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