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Elden Ring DLC UNDEAD SAMURAI NEW STRONGEST Katana Build in the Game! Shadow of the Erdtree

mkulchar: Basically bleed brakes the game. No one plays faith or int anymore.

GrizzlySwagHQ: I’m sold. Respec-ing into this when I get home. Loved the great katana and never perfected my build

lorgren4002: Man, I still love that nioh trailer/intro

henryb8791: Let’s go pwar I love these dlc builds

smokinggnu6584: I'm struggling with that very boss right now.

bars2035: Hey pwar i love your build videos since nioh 1 but you forgot to mention that using your off hand roar skills and putting it away makes the buff get disabled. Roar skills counts as weapon buff and if you use a weapon buff you need to have them equipped at all times that means if you want shriek of sorrow buff to be active you need to one hand great katana and have the weapon that has the roar buff equipped your off hand. Great build regardless.

Icneumone7: Bro. I did a similar build setup but didn't level faith to 25, only 15 for FGMS. Golden vow is now a craftable consumable so those 10 points can go into Dex or vigor

shad2565: This build with frost is just as good

iamsampled: what do u think about the rakshasa katana?

endless9595: 2 FALSE INFOS 1. shriek of sorrow dont work when you 2hand the katana 2. cerulean hidden tear only lasts 10sek not 30sek so there are much better tears

Jun 29 2024

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