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Elden Ring DLC Story Trailer Shot By Shot Analysis Lore Breakdown

kittentacticalwarfare1140: That whole Marika climbing the gore stuff, makes me think she did a Berserk eclipse like event to become a god, and create the golden order.

DispariScuro: I was thinking the fleshy item in the intro looks like the Godskin Swaddling Cloth, and that Marika is pulling golden hair out of it.

DougRobertson: In that first scene, Marika was stepping into the Erdtree. The opening looks the same. The Erdtree has a lining of gold around it. The Ertree roots always have bodies embedded in them. The Erdtree is made up of bodies, possibly from the war in the land of shadows. The bodies are concealed with Marika's gold.

jeremiahooms4716: Perhaps the reason the area around Marika is absolutely covered with gore and flesh could be that it took place during a godskin hunt? The fact thing Marika takes the golden thread from doesn’t look too dissimilar to the fringes of the Godskin Swaddling Cloth. We know the godskin loved their flaying and were quite prolific, but we never truly hear of their actions against Marika despite their implied importance.

shaunv3673: Watched every story trailer breakdown out so far.

I have to agree with Fightin Cowboy's lore analysis.

"It's like a whole-ass shadow realm."

kharyrobertson3579: Kinda how like ranni had a puppet body after she divested from her flesh, maybe the body in the cocoon was a homunculus body that he was growing for himself for when he divested of his flesh, but mohg interrupted that and he ended up trapped in the land of shadow?

calcite_dragon: I hope we get a new form of the roundtable hold with those tarnished we see at the end as the npcs

seanoconnor5473: Messmer is actually a Zonai.

In all seriousness. One of the best lore reaction videos I’ve seen. Very much in line with what I was thinking after watching this trailer way too many times along with most of the reaction videos. Messmer looks way too much like a Godskin. I think he was actually in the Godskin Swaddling Cloth (which is what I think it is) and Marika pulled his Grace from him and betrayed the Gloam Eyed Queen. He doesn’t look like any of Marika’s other biological children…aside from the red hair but his skin is cold and grey. Much, like the Godskins. Wouldn’t be surprised if Melina ends up being the daughter of the Gloam Eyed Queen.

I still don’t trust Miquella and I believe he’s going to go Full Griffith in the DLC along with his “Band of the Hawk” that were introduced in this one.

There has to be some connection with St. Trina/Gloam Eyed Queen/Miquella/Godskins/Messmer with all of the dusk/gloam symbolism in this trailer.

eldenanchor8179: Considering the Erdtree was once the Crucible of Life, isn't it likely that the gorey mass is in fact the Crucible? All life was blended together more literally than we initially thought, and formed both trees.

WTJ97lj: Maybe the bodies are all the victims of the war Marika had Messmer lead against the Crucible, and the betrayal is her denouncing Messmer’s actions by banishing the rune of death? Messmer takes the blame, the Golden Order is created, the Erdtree promises rebirth to the dead. The timeline is funky

May 27 2024

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