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Elden Ring DLC Promised Consort Radahn No Damage Boss Fight

aly3392: he doesn't even try fully dodging the double swipe into cross slash combo he just deflects the first part

happy_elgar1185: We all know that Ongbal beat Radahn with no damage on release day of DLC.

But he was postponing video to not bring spoilers to us.

SaKu145: Ongbal what can’t you do at this point

eden_yu: The man, the myth, the legend! When I fought this boss I kept thinking "ongbal is probably do it hitless and naked". Glad that I was right hehe

LeonardoDaWerner: You have no idea how satisfying this video is to watch. This boss did unspeakable things to my sanity and the exit of my digestive tract, so seeing him so soundly beaten truly heals my soul.

jonasanchez7039: I was waiting for this moment when Ongbal confronts Miquella's consort

yeetmundur5493: Ongbal, you are a Demon. Well fucking done!

noahs1756: Just after I struggled through him for 5 grueling hours. Love seeing him get rolled after what he did to me

prime1773: I clicked 'Like' button before I finished the video. I believe in you.

Mr-gatto: I though he is good because he played a lot against main game bosses but his DLC performance prove that this guy is THE GOAT

elbasado8292: I should have never doubted, how foolish of me ...

skaivii1103: Went to the DLC with my Noble's Slender Sword and didn't struggled on anything except Messmer. But this dude... Spent more than 10 hours trying to beat him and i finally did but, wtf were they thinking ? At least now i can come to him with a broken build and destroy him as he did with me.

F*ck the double slash into cross combo

dbxqpxdbxqpxdb: god damn it ONGBAL you dont dodge the double slash either

capnkoots301: it was only a matter of time, i have been checking YT every day for this :D

Gabriel-sd9cx: Promised Consort Radahn vs Promised No Damage Lord Ongbal!

We all now how the story ended even before the video.

HesitateandyouLose: Slaying one of the mightiest Demigod who is assisted by newborn God.

With nothing but a trutsy blade of yours?

Volsraphel: So by the looks of it if they patch that one undodgeable 3 swipe that you had to deflect, this would be a perfectly fine boss lol, not what I would expect based on the criticism

junperignon: Justice For Mohg

ch1ngch3nghanji14: lol, the "I think Miyazaki can't beat this" vid description tho

syrobe: fromsoft made a mistake giving him the deflect tear

jhonnyboy8805: Our man is on fire like always

user-xc6op3lz5t: That's what I was waiting for. No bleed, frost, lions claw, etc. Pure skill. You are truly awesome my friend, Master, Sensei!

But still - 20 lvl Scadu, guys! So don`t be lazy and go collect them, if you still stuck on this boss!

markcampbell8590: Ongbal immediately rushing towards Radahn during his phase two is main character energy

HomeOnTheEdge: FANTASTIC. Also: Square Off is one of my very favorite Ashes of War

Jun 26 2024

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