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Elden Ring DLC New Highest Damage Weapon is Actually Cracked! Impaler Shadow of the Erdtre Build

hikkaru9751: Highest damage weapons, where are the 1shoting perfumes?

IsraTheBlack: Use the cracked tear that coats everyone nearby in oil for way more damage.

svetlanathehammer1984: Bro how is rain of fire decent. A wet pasta noodle hits harder

davidcoakley5178: I haven't heard your voice for a while and just returned to Elden Ring like most... I feel like a fool for not checking your channel. Glad to see you're still making content and I'll be sure to use it, ty!

0malleyAlleyc4t: Try Deflecting Hardtear, Malenia Great rune (Takers Cameo and Godskin Swaddling Cloth for more HP recovery) for that Advanced Combat Rally and Sekiro Parry feel

LordAnubis85: I brought my original character into the DLC which is a hybrid STR/FTH build, so naturally the Fire Knight Greatsword/armor set was the perfect match. If you find the Winged Serpent Helm, you can boost your Fire Knight AoWs by 10%, which personally I find better than the Mesmer helm. I also farmed and 25'd a second Fire Knight Greatsword so I have one with Flame Skewer and one with Flame Spear, that way I can switch based on what I'm fighting without having to find/fast travel to a site of grace.

mercurialblonde: I do this build but with the spear. The throwing attack is great for luring enemies into range for the orb or ash of war. And if I'm low on health I just grab my shield and poke everything

clapt0wn235: I made this build a few days ago. The only thing different on mine, is I gave myself the endurance to have Messmers spear equipped as well. The ash of war on it is just so fun and its great for clearing aoe mobs.

hsdExorcist: I did this build 3 days ago, built it on my own, using Messmers helm and some armor for 50 poise

Steven.Jonathan: I got the sword from the ones between the first and fourth floor. There are three up there you can farm and reset.

Jul 02 2024

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