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Elden Ring DLC All The Currently Most BROKEN Weapons Builds That Will Get Nerfed Soon

ellelawliet007: Honor for giving credit to SYROBE

OooItsBlue: I appreciate you giving credit to Syrobe.

masterwalpha: nice job giving credit

FelisImpurrator: Pest thread spears are surprising. I legitimately didn't realize they would track as ridiculously hard as they do when fully charged. My initial thought was "Two hits? What is two hits going to do that outdoes Pest Threads' missile spam on a near instant cast?" And then I used it up close by accident and it literally curved 180 degrees, straight down and backward, to eviscerate an enemy from behind. What even.

FelisImpurrator: Dragon transformation is cracked af. Midra legitimately felt like a joke for Rock Dragon and a comical amount of dragonclaw spam. May be a bit overreliant on the vaguely exploity-feeling fact that is "blue dancer buffs dragon melee incants and rotbreath lmao", but you know what, I'll take that W after the final boss absolutely destroyed me so many times.

Also, the Flowerstone Gavel is unga bunga busted. The arcane ash scaling is weird (lmao why is it red lightning but designed for Communion stats?), and your stats may look like drunken darts as a result if you want Cult instead of Communion, but hey - you get like flat 50 DR at base in a dragonmode build and literally 0 base weight before talismans and the dragon mace of dragon justice (dragon dragon dragon), so you can literally just afford to do whatever. Cheapo cast, super quick, spammable or chargeable, debuffs the second most obnoxious resist in the game, and it's on a pure physical strike weapon with 1h hammer levels of stagger and speed. Absolutely ridiculous weapon.

MrJade12: It took 3 fucking years for Blashpemus Blade to get nerfed i wouldnt be so sure about this.

marcus22greene: Game too hard they say, when we get this stuff. Ah i swear some people-shake head-im in new game plus i may died 20 times but loving this dlc.

Big_Daddy953: That's why i always stick to weapons that suit me, not to which are op

Vaeland: Appreciate you acknowledging Syrobe

Egospair: Thrusting shields seem really op, they're basically normal weapons but you can block whilst attacking

Lycan3303: Giant turkey leg makes dlc ez mode

Jun 27 2024

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