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Elden Ring Dance Attack Builds Do Incredible Damage

frittsbitts: Yo what's up guys, ChaseTheFlow here.

TheMemoman: I don’t know if it’s Chase’s favorite place to invade, but it’s certainly the favorite place to enunciate: “Karumbellin’ Fahroom Azzoolah!”

alfredthegreat01: I hear Nanaya's Torch does some pretty good damage too

CraigCR: CaptainJack running away is very lore accurate.

oddyssi: two malenias in an enclosed tunnel spamming nothing but waterfowl dance actually sound like a nightmare

devilboyphantom: Oh no..... Chase is gonna squidward dance hosts and phantom ls to death! What delicious chaos

Magic-Man: Name a better duo than Chase and not reading who the host is

Ahunterisahunter: "I'm going to put on protection, the tainted one is being summoned." Sounds like a good idea Chase

sleep_enjoyer13: Thanks, Chase, I had no idea it even worked like this. When I i got the set I presumed it only affected unending dance and didn't think of the others. Very cool build I'd like to try.

bobzthabarbarian: You gotta love it when the host opts out when the odds are no longer in their favor. Especially in a game where there is no K/D or MMR. It just makes me scratch my head in confusion.

ApurvPuri: Blue dancer charm is not worth it after equip load greater than 16.0. It seems only good on naked builds and has a soft cap at 9 equip load. Doesn't matter what your endurance is. Upping the damage from 1436 to 1471 seems sus as hell. I would think you're just better off with the Crimson Talisman 3 and giga HP. But you're an Elden ring god so even on sub optimal builds you're just deleting noobs that can't space or press more than one button to save their lives.

ShinBenimaru1: That bow kill was so satisfying.

Oct 31 2024

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