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Elden Ring Carian Sovereignty Does Insane Damage

frittsbitts: Trying to make us think you're NOT a dishonest wizard with that big sword. I see you Chase.

Isshinahina987: The aow for wizards who don’t want to be “dishonest wizards!”

midori2624: Noooo Chase! You’re dangerously close to becoming a dishonest wizard! Once you walk the way of the blue, you shall forever be poo! Return to the Unga Bunga bonk sticks while you still can!

Tackitt: "I have a teammate?"

*disembowels teammate

rowdyaudi5795: Yo, what's up chasethebro, guys here with a certain torch from some crazed chick called Nanaya.

Anon69743: 1st invasion as dishonest wizard build, almost kills teammate LOL

Sharkbait-gp9ms: Day 2 of donating to Chase until a madness torch build, Chase invades my world, or I run out of money

CarlHungus-du2zb: You will be missed red.

wikidwisurdzzz49: Traitor the Bro in the beginning

xntixnti: Yo chase any chance you can do a vid on the poison flower blooms twice with all the dmg amp items? It gets buffed by all the kick stuff like the raptor feet and I assume shard of alex too? Poison hand offhand would go crazy

devin9124: What’s up guys! I’m Lost…

Wrong vid.. sorry

LloerenofCaria: I see Caria, I like

spiraljumper74: The amount of people who try to trade into it is fucking crazy. Do people really think the magic nuke doing a three-phase charge right in front of them isn’t going to outdamage their running R1?

LeMann777-vl7qd: I smell a wizard...(Grows an extra sword) Oh wait it's me

Sep 27 2024

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