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Elden Ring, But The Boss I Play As UPGRADES

bakageertje9352: Has this guy actually ever played elden ring for real?

TMF1809: Didn’t start with patches, I’m disappointed

Maratxmn: The channels* with specifically below 100k subs ALWAYS make the best content cause they don’t have a management team or anything like that, just pure gaming ideas that make for the best of content

edit: there are exceptions such as skumnut and itsmontage

articarci6426: This guy comes out of nowhere and decides to become gordon Ramsey himself

NCR_Ranger_on_youtube: So we got

A tree sentinel gets his soul destroyed.

A crucible knight beating his bosses son.

Elemor flying on his sword.

Rennala beating her son.

A draconic sentinel gets skinned.

Loretta tramples a godskin.

Radahn and rykard have a disagreement.

Astel sends Goldfrey to the void.

Morgott gets killed by his brother's pet dog.

Morgott repeats his father's giant hunt.

Commander niall ganks the godskins.

Mohg beats all of his uncle's blood out.

Placidusax liquefies old grandpa Gideon.

Malakith permanently kills his sister's ex.

Godfrey beats his ex wife in drag and kills god, does crack then beats his son.

the elden beast beats some hippo to death.

Radagon and Marika beat their son to death with a hammer

Malenia verifies she's the best Rot user.

Mesmer kills his little brother's simps.

Radahn from an alternate universe kills himself to stop the Miqullelestion

DeadMan-lk3bn: Mohg beat the allegations

phoenixeye167: Honey kanes graces dropped another Banger

Syhyronica: L video, the final form should have been Rick soldier of god

arthurmagno7448: A better name for the video would be: elden ring, but i have random bosses as upgrades. It would be more grammatically correct, not saying that you are wrong I have no right to say that since i am not the content creator here, you are. Only saying that for me that sounds better.

CommFox: Imagine being that hippo and GOD walks through your fog gate

ssjustice7683: Why do the most underrated YouTubers make the best vids?

CrammyCram: Imma have the ultimate meal while watching this video Kane has Graced us yet again

Coco-wq1zh: New video from the Elden ring GOAT

Aug 31 2024

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