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Count.Saruman: "Hand of Malenia to finish us off"

Well... if she's offering, I think that'd be a great idea...

YeetusMan12345: Am I tripping or is this uploaded twice LOL

fatalpony6828: its insane how he can make any weapon and build look insanely strong, but then when I try and use the same build, I feel like I am wielding a toothpick.

kaboodle8834: We need an "Elden Ring But Hunter Is Finally Freed From My Basement!" video where you let my mans go from his editing dungeon confines. But then you never let him out of the basement becuase he uploaded the same video twice. GG, Hunter. Back to the shadow realm with you.

Bojek08: "it's not quite long enough... Not the first time I've said that"

deeptroit_5692: I‘d always take the class with the least points in the stat i‘m going for, to meet more reqirements

VioletSilhouette: How are 93% of you people not subscribed to Gino by this point? HIT THE BUTTON or you smell.

Meeegl: I love this series so much, I really think you should keep including region locked in future challenges, it makes every boss feel like a milestone

Sep 17 2024

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