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Elden Ring Beastmans Curved Sword Has An Incredible Combo

tonydragon784: Been playing this game for almost 3 years now and I have never seen that jumping heavy attack animation

kevanwilliams4110: Great, this is gonna be in the colosseum for weeks

logicalvinny: Sir Alonne Has Invaded Your World

ieatcaribou7852: Forget the mask, Chase in a cape?! My entire worldview is now destroyed.

silentd9078: Dishonesty arc continues as chase dons the mask again...

AnsbachthePureblood: We need more blood. Apease the formless mother with the Ansbach cosplay build.

pequodbestboy: I caught this video fifteen seconds after it came out, so that I could inform you all this is the NINTH time Chase has forgotten his spritestones on an arcane or mixed arcane build in a row. I'm not sure how, but I think this is the white mask's fault.

Lesion411: Combos upon combos and so forth. The next should be the maddening combo of Nanaya’s Torch.

crackmonsieur: "blasphemous Billy invades your world" extra points for full Radahn set too

god2641: The dishonesty



Halfgnomen: Rock sling spell is great in PVE because it has damn near unlimited range (you can farm the bird in Mohgwyn with it), does physical damage so it can be buffed by a bunch of things, does good stance damage and is reasonably FP efficient.

SnapSV: Can you mess around with the Nox Flowing sword more? It poise breaks like nothing else I have seen.

BlueShellshock: Always loved Beastman's curved. The unique jump attack makes it super interesting for single-weapon setups, especially with a shield. If you ever wondered why the guard counter talisman was represented with a curved sword, this weapon is why.

anysn2268: These last weeks have been harsh for us, White Mask non-enjoyers

pezyg: Im loving the ChaseTheBlood arc

valentai_777: Begging Chase to make a viable Flail build

FlameAxel24: At this point hes gonna dual wield st irinas torch before he use nanayas

joemamma-wb3xz: so many bleed/arcane builds. just revert to the purest form of a bleed build and spam RoB L2 with the full radahn set

wolfanarchy1: Chase, thank you so much for posting. I'm going through a lot of healing from past pains and it's a good kind of work for me to do, but it's still a lot of work, and it's exhausting. It's such a reprieve to take a break from all that and watch your video while I enjoy my dinner.

Feb 06 2025

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