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Elden Ring Banished Knight GS Combo Got Buffed

_Raygion_: I don’t have much longer before the madness consumes me. But with my last breath I pass on a secret to you Chase. Powerstance Nanaya’s torch and St Trina torch for unimaginable power. Aah the sweet embrace of the frenzied flame. How intoxicating….

metheuscane719: That kakashi dude dying to a boulder is funniest shit ever...

Daldaren: The moral of the story: level vigor

KenMochii: Love the attack animation of this weapon, better looking than the normal attack animation of the greatswords.

spiraljumper74: You know what pairs really well with combos?

Arcane, blood, and SACRED BLOODY FLESH.

pluvire: Chase never sounding frustrated or angry at video games makes me less and less ragey when I play.

seamichoo: "Some are born mad, some achieve Madness Torches, and some have madness thrust upon 'em."

-Nanaya Autumn

Kodarayne420: 5 minutes in and this video has it all. Punches, meat in mouth, and Nascar!

niall_sanderson: The people in that first invasion got quite the vigor check

zuku254: Punching a Wizard to death was more funny that I realized. Do it more

Thundersmash14: I’m a YouTuber now I look up to you. You are my idol and you’re the one of the reasons why I started making videos. I hope to be as good as you someday.

Aug 29 2024

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