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Elden Ring Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword Is Absolutely Amazing

DTGeorge: I love seeing Chase utilizing a new hefty pot each video

faust_wither: what up chese, the bro here

VaulickTheCrow: I'm really surprised you don't rock the Two-Handed Talisman. 15% extra damage is a huge deal, it's become a mainstay of my set ups.

Edit : Chase replied it's only about 11% and doesn't affect Ashes of War. Thanks for the reply Chase!

wikidwisurdzzz49: Let's get some light greatsword action someday

realbloodydoves: Do you know what else is absolutely amazing, Chase? Nanaya's Torch!

But seriously, the thrusting shields are sick, give them a try!

arturmachado1935: Nanaya's torch is absolutely amazing

synmer7104: Blue bronze colorblindness affects hundreds of invaders every year. For just a dollar a day you can help them get the help they need.

Hannaysouza: I was waiting for this hidden gem. One of my favorite weapons. If you free aim it’s ultra manouverable

Gurmudgin: look at that DISTANCE of that ash. by the nine. I just..... theres so much distance with these new ashes its absolutely terrifying. I thought I was doing good with my pike..... seemingly not good enough.

kylespencer2645: “Whoa! Fingerblast!” Was not on my chase quotes bingo card

markdeckard7651: Hefty pots are the new face slap with a fish, love it

metalhev3989: Miyazaki that's just the Soul Edge

Frost-Kris: Spent my whole day testing different weapons in invasions and duels, Poleblade of the Bud is now my most favourite weapon, because its aow has insane range, and it has scarlet rot build up.

DTGeorge: Jokes aside, Nanaya's Torch is bugged. When combined with Eclipse Shotel it's basically Fire's Deadly Sin 2.0 with it's weapon skill...

Rain1: One thing I like about this sword Ash of war is the fact that even if you run out of FP it still does the full distance lunge

UselessNekoGang: I love this sword to bits. It screams armored core bro. You assault boost into melee range and pop assault armor. So damn cool. Hope this one doesn't get mega nerfed.

inambience: Seeing the damage in these showcases takes me back to the original launch. Those were some crazy times.

Willow2xGoat: Bro this is my favorite weapon rn got so many double kills in pvp lol

Jun 30 2024

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