athmil8302: Birds dying of fall damage is pretty accurate for Elden Ring. Wings are merely a decoration
cherryrook8684: Fight or Flight... unfortunately for the invaded, Chase is a flightless bird
spicygaming3783: I love how the very first thing we see chase do as a bird is fall to his death.
Smalicious: No raptor of the mist is crazy
jayjayson9613: That intro was hilarious Chase.
yahanarachchillage2832: "Crrrrrumbling Farum Azula!"
anthonyschlott916: Really makes me think of the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst. All you needed was the Rivers of Blood and maybe a good crossbow and you'd be set.
beachtrooper5884: Creatures with wings dying from falling is a classic
Chase never fails to make me smile
theus__: He was about to say "chasethe bird'' at the beginning
Kaazeda: ChaseTheDead... A new lore has been discovered.
rz2142: Dying by a birdman would definitely ruin my day, dying by a birdman flying down ontop of you would make me stop playing for the entire day
GrabTheGatGaming: Lmao I lost it at the "Im like a biiiird!"
codybunz6311: Chase making bird noises
alexanderha2: Sqwark at your enemies
banjokazooie370: You should do a flower build where you use Guardian Garb armour with the bouquet, sunflower and petal whip weapons.
Mar 03 2025