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Does This Ansbach NG Build in Elden Ring Use THE BEST Scythe in the Game?

mallblartpaulcop1226: Tulock & Mango. A pleasure to see you after all this time. But that Fort Haight doesn't belong to you. We will have our victory royale.

ironight3845: I love the idea that Ansbach knows everyone in Elden Ring personally and it really is a pleasure for him to visit everyone of them

JackisaMimic: Your running Ansbach was so perfect for the Mimic Tear Fight "Its a pleasure to see me." There was a cut questline with a mimic tear who attempts to replace the player character and their name was "Asimi" A See Me, that is so clever!

tulokthebarbrarian2033: Wow, baited right at the beginning

billycarr1558: Billy of the Lunchbreak. A pleasure to see you… after all this time. But that watch time does not belong to you. Tulok will have his minutes.

bobvagana5443: i like that every time you did the "a pleasure to see you after all this time" bit your delivery got faster

colinlebold7605: Ah, Tulok of the Mango. A pleasure to see you... after all this time. But that something something something i got distracted. My doctor diagnosed me with being pretty cool...

darthplagueis13: Phil: "Other builds don't struggle as much with the Putrescent Knight because they have a ranged option"

Also Phil: Is literally carrying the single strongest bow, quite possibly the strongest ranged weapon in the entire game (in fact, possibly even of the entire soulsborne series) on his back and not using it because he thinks it's only good for status

a.ah.689: I recently did a bow only challenge run and Ansbach bow was the star, naturally. You can craft bleed arrows if you kill the imprisoned merchant for infinite blood roses and the bone bearing bell hunter. Make no mistake, its a brutal challenge, but beating PCR with a bow only was one of the hardest things ive ever done in a video game and very satisfying.

Also, while normally NPC fights are nearly impossible with a standard bow, a greatbow like Golems or Radahn makes them piss easy. Funnily enough, greatbows get stupid strong with minimal set up. 2 arrow talismans the free aim talisman, a golden greatarrow aura buff, and the Through and Through AOW with alexander shard will 3 shot the divine lion guards in Imir illem with a 40/40 STR/SKL setup.

mktzombey: Hands down my favorite gaming channel right now. You're videos honestly just really funny

ddt9292: He's.... Ans-BACK!!!!!!!

Goddgucking dammit that was the first joke

PoyoDesuka: For the inevitable Igon Run, if you do the Monolouge at all, you better commit to the bit like you did our boy Ansbach.

SharinganSeeker_: Dad? Is that you?

theatlascomplex2052: The "For-Harris Lands" bit is always on point.

Sep 24 2024

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