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Convergence Mod 1.4.2 ALL 6 New Boss Fights Showcase Elden Ring

Arei1283: I will do nothing for every like this gets

DepressoEspressoMusic: Thank you for actually showcasing the bosses instead of just rushing them and killing them before they even do anything cool

suchar7175: The second phase of first Boss is really cool. Many people might not notice it, but most of his moveset comes from Gascoigne's beast phase, not only Hoarah Loux.

etunisgood: the thing i love abt convergence is that they use underrated enemies moveset and turn em into cool bosses

rysspace2511: What I love about convergence over GOE is

1: they take a mix of moveset instead of just one bosses moveset and adding flashy effects

2: the bosses are interesting and original ideas instead of trying to turn the game into Bloodborne

3: you don’t have to pay for it.

bredehansen3980: Spiritshaper Caimar was badass

whshwjdk: wow caimar from ds3

ziggykesteven2425: That's so cool. No kidding this is super interesting. Spiritshaper Caimer was very cool.

gestalt7529: It’s Great that you actually showcased the bosses instead of destroying them

ever3127: Archdruid Caimar from DS3 Convergence was my favourite new boss they added back then. Seeing him here is a big surprise. Can't play ER Convergence now so I wonder what are the lore implications for Caimar being here

InfernoVerse975: So basically:

First Boss: Hoarah Loux wannabe

Second Boss: Ranni’s Babysitter

Third Boss: Legit Mimic Tear

Fourth Boss: Ultimate Runebear

Fifth Boss: Nameless King’s long lost brother?

Sixth Boss: Loretta’s brother

Seventh Boss: Viking with Leviathan PickAXE

Jun 01 2024

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