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Can My Goldfish Beat Elden Rings Hardest Boss?

StringsNStrands: The fact that Elden Ring players would gatekeep a goldfish shows that some are beyond redemption.

SpitefulJD: "He's so overleveled"

I had the same reaction crow had, he's a goldfish dawg, he's already nerfed enough

Eclipse5O: If a goldfish can do it, you have no excuse

erwinmuller7115: Pointcrow yelling at his fish to heal is the closest thing we'll ever get to real life pokemon

YooberDoober95: This goldfish has more skill than me .

binqtop: Important PSA because I noticed some people were concerned from the last goldfish video: Mr. Tortellini the goldfish does have an actual tank where he lives. He is just in an empty tank for gaming. Do not worry, chat, Pointcrow takes care of his fish VERY well :)

youtoozboi763: Doug Doug, I did a thing and pointcrow are the three horsemen of ridiculous ideas being executed surprisingly well

SharpSquid-db2iq: Praise fish!

Robbobobobobobo: crow yelling at tortellini to heal has the same energy as kingdom hearts players yelling at donald duck to freakin heal them

Arrowstotle: Praise fish

Tillyp-z2s: I can’t believe Promised consort radahn fought the hardest boss fight in history


FirstLastname604: I’m just saying, when tortellini eventually goes belly up, he deserves a PROPER send off

watchfulgamer625: My first question when I watched this video was "you can stance break consort radahn?" My second question, "why are people hating on Tortellini?"

Charliethecryptid: Im glad tortellini is bringing such small, short creators onto his channel, tortellini is such an amazing gamer. And that other guy is there too ig.

WetSweatySocks: To those mad at a goldfish for being overpowered for the Malenia fight, Ahem, "Cope"

justaguy2O5: FISH

somerandomperson9670: People who think that a goldfish is “overleveled” make the goldfish seem smart in comparison.

NeverFirst1: Tortellini is the most talented goldfish in the world. He's also one of the most famous ones. Now we need to make him the coolest-looking one.

isaacnikolic5895: Praise fish.

I also believe the bosses are just so confused. Most of their power comes from mind games. Delays on attacks. Scaring players from going in.

They have no fucking clue what to do against a gold fish.

pokefra1809: Guess who is back, back again Tortellini is back, tell a friend

BENch_Gaming44444: Gatekeeping anyone, especially a goldfish, from an amazing single-player game is a ridiculous concept.

AmoonMoon71: pop off tortellini

A_SOULLESSPRSN: Bro imagine gate keeping a goldfish

Aver187: “Overleveling undermines the integrity of Elden Ring”

Average Tortellini response:

GrimGriefer5: If you ever feel like giving up in Elden Ring just remember that a Goldfish has beaten Radahn

BunnySulcides: Praise Fish!

naomidolan4882: Pointcrow: So my goldfish Totilleni—

Chat: Our goldfish

welljewelry3166: That gold fish is better at the game than every game journalist combined

NintenHawk: Praise fish.

Absolute banger video! Love the editing!

Sep 22 2024

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