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BIG Elden Ring Nightreign News Coming! New Gameplay, CNT, Release Date, and MORE!

natefr84: After not making it into the original Elden Ring Network Test, I am so hyped to be able to try out Nightreign, especially because of how experimental it is.

troyphillips6481: I scored an invite to the Network test so glad I clicked your video as I easily would have missed thanks again Zio!

majorasmask5523: I was one of the original network testers for Elden Ring, and I just got an invitation to test out Nightreign! I’m so excited!

NemilNihil: I heard that they literally hired the seamless coop guy for Nightreign

OmerKoffman: will testers be able to show the gameplay on youtube or online?

gileadbot19: I got picked to play in the Network test and am amped asf.

We get our codes Feb 11th so hopefully we'll be playing soon after.

It's gonna be so dope.

LostEra389: I checked everywhere in my email, alas, maidenless as ever. To those fellow Tarnished more fortunate, have fun!

NecroBanana: They gave out a TON of invites to the CNT this time around.

jaakkovahanen: Just checked my email, and lo and behold, I'll also be getting to play the CNT. Got shafted for the ER CNT, so pretty stoked I got chosen this time around. Can't wait!

rigby_rich3650: I play on PC so I look forward to watching y’all play the game!

rastavanny619: I got invited! Lfg!!!

S7Cameron: Ive been selected. Woooo. Lets go. Cant wait to play it

MasonSchofield-zh2sl: Is this game playable solo

ContrastCopy: Fuck, I forgot about the network test.

atreyuatrium9342: I am lucky to have been able to play the network test of ER and now I get to play the network test for Nightreign. I'm ready!!!!

daddymidna: i will be recording every minute of my network test

harmonygray840: Still not crazy about the fact that only three players. =l

Garl_Vinland: I remember getting to play the network tests for Dark Souls, DS2, and DS3. I still have the tests downloaded on my PS3/4 for nostalgia purposes. But sadly this franchise is too popular now a days so I haven't been picked since then.

Awolfx: Got an invite along with my older sibling, we're both so excited!

benjiskitts: I got in network test looking forward to it. Wilds beta coming up aswell

tyronejohnson6361: Just checked my e-mail I've got it! lets go!

HijoDelHongo: My whole squad got codes. I am stoked.

What class is everyone thinking of playing? Im thinking im probably going Rogue character UNLESS we get a full fledged support/healer.

baldrofasgard4793: I wanted desperately to get in on this but it didn't look like they had a PC signup

SackofWoe: I've had a lot going on lately and forgot to sign up. You said people might be giving out codes?

-Sparagmos-: Don't want anything to do with the network test at all. I'm going in 100% blind.

highlord2841: I GOT IT, LETS GOO. I might get a second one to cause I signed up for my PlayStation and Xbox

Do_soud: Games gonna be great, can't wait to play the network teat. And i wonder if it's cross platform

Feb 01 2025

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